Spacecraft RV For Sale

If you are in search of a custom RV, there are numerous companies to choose from. They specialize in everything from large travel trailers to 57-foot semi-trailers featuring features like fiberglass ceilings, front kitchens, large holding tanks and “possum belly” basements with commercial air ride suspension systems.

At this year’s Florida RV SuperShow, a 54-foot Space Craft trailer with Volta Power Systems made its debut.


Luxury amenities for RVers often include tile floors, residential plumbing and dual pane windows – but these amenities must still be lightweight enough for personal vehicles to tow, making these features limited to larger and heavier rigs.

At Spacecraft RV’s West-Central Missouri headquarters, customers are interviewed about their road rambling lifestyle before being guided through all design options. After visiting Concordia’s showroom to view wall and floor coverings, window treatments, cabinetry wood (birch, maple, cherry or walnut), and an assortment of colors and stains; customers then receive their dream RV.

Spacecraft fifth-wheel trailers feature other standard features like molded fiberglass ceilings and custom rear kitchens that stand taller than most front kitchens in fifth wheel trailers at 6ft-4inches. Furthermore, Spacecraft pays attention to details other manufacturers do not; for instance superior construction of slide-out rooms. Engineers at Spacecraft place drain lines beneath their trailer so as to not interfere with awnings.


Spacecraft provides custom-built home-on-wheels designed to offer mobility and luxury at once. Their trailers range from 30 feet to 57 feet in length and they can install whatever features you require, such as tile floors, dual pane windows, residential plumbing or even four season basement. Typically RVs must be lightweight so they can be easily towed behind personal vehicles; Spacecraft trailers allow for the inclusion of luxurious features like residential plumbing as well as four season basement storage space.

Designers from this company place special attention on creating simple yet durable construction, placing all components where they are easily accessible. For instance, instead of placing electrical wiring within tight areas they use flexible tubing connections for power and water connections.

Spacecraft RVs are custom-built, so their costs tend to exceed that of standard campers or fifth wheels. But because these rigs are made to last and often remain with their owners for decades – helping retain value even during tough economic conditions.


Space Craft RVs stand apart from their mass-produced counterparts by custom-making each RV to your exact specifications – rather than filling it up with useless gadgets that don’t enhance the driving experience, like standard RVs do. They allow you to build exactly what you want instead of what someone else thinks should come standard in your RV. That is why they offer trailers ranging from 30 to 57 feet in length, customized with whatever cabinets, floorplan and other features you require. Their blueprints offer inspiration; but they will build exactly what is requested. Spacecraft pays attention to small details that other manufacturers often miss, like making it easy to access components in a slide-out room without needing to remove furniture or drill through multiple layers of plywood and screws. They even place furnaces inside dressers rather than beneath trailer floors in order to reduce airborne noise pollution and create a high-quality trailer with low maintenance needs that you’ll love for years.

So much so, many circus folk trade in their expensive fifth wheel trailers for Space Craft when they retire.


Space Craft offers customized trailers in sizes between 30 to 57 feet that can accommodate whatever lifestyle your dreams may entail, providing you with everything from luxury living on wheels for retirees or performers who spend months at a time on tour. Their flexible designs can include anything you require within reason – perfect for making dreams of mobility come true.

Spacecraft RV puts customer needs first when designing RVs. Their designers take great care to interview customers about their road rambling lifestyle and then assist them in designing an ideal trailer that best meets those needs. Furthermore, Spacecraft places great emphasis on superior construction quality and ease of maintenance for every trailer they create.

Spacecraft trailers may not be cheap, but they’re built to withstand years and even decades on the road, providing plenty of personal space and quality travel experience. If possible, consider purchasing an older model in order to save money – just make sure that you have an appropriate tow vehicle and an understanding of how these rigs operate beforehand!

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