Why is the Sky Blue?

When sunlight reaches Earth’s atmosphere, it bounces off of molecules. The air molecules scatter light — just like billiard balls do when they collide. The shorter the wavelength of the light, the more it gets scattered. This is why the sun’s light looks blue. Sky Blue Is Due to Rayleigh Scattering Sky blue is a…

Satellite Weather Karachi

The Indus river engulfs entire villages in Pakistan in this satellite image, showing how devastating this year’s monsoon rains have been. The flooded landscape has turned normally arid, brown areas into a huge lake. Karachi’s current heat spell is expected to break today as the city is likely to receive showers, Chief Meteorologist Sardar Sarfaraz…

Where Are Weather Satellites Located?

Weather satellites are used to monitor Earth’s atmosphere, oceans, land, and ice. This information is vital for warning and forecasting severe weather events, such as tornadoes, floods, hurricanes and wildfires. There are two main types of satellites: geostationary and polar orbiting. Both can measure atmospheric and surface parameters such as air temperature, cloud cover, moisture…

Satellite Weather Data Provides Accurate Weather Forecasts

A fleet of satellites keeps NOAA’s weather forecasters on alert for severe storms, floods, droughts, ice jams and other environmental hazards. Two types of satellites are used for forecasting: geostationary and polar orbiting. Those in geostationary orbit are at high altitudes and stay above the same area all the time. Weather Monitoring Weather satellites and…