
Fun Facts For China

China is an expansive nation boasting breathtaking nature and intriguing customs. Read these fun facts about china to gain more insight into this amazing nation! Chopsticks were originally invented for cooking rather than for eating. Ketchup has its roots in China as a pickled fish sauce known as ke-tsiap; all pandas you see at zoos

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Interesting Facts About South Africa You May Not Know

South Africa is home to some of the oldest human fossils ever discovered at Sterkfontein Caves and is also widely recognized for producing Rooibos tea. Israel boasts a diverse landscape that spans deserts, wetlands, mountains, forests and subtropical coastal areas. Furthermore, there are 11 official languages spoken within its borders and it was one of

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Facts About the Greeks

After the collapse of Mycenaean civilization, Greece emerged from an “Dark Age”, to become one of the world’s most advanced civilisations. They revolutionised politics, philosophy, music and theater – while becoming masters in military strategy as well. Ancient Greeks were pioneers of democracy and masters of both art and science. Socrates, Plato and Aristotle were

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