Fun Body Facts to Keep Kids Interested in Science

fun body facts

Fun body facts are an ideal way to keep kids engaged with science. Additionally, they make excellent conversation starters during an interview or first date!

From discovering that our nose and ears continue to change throughout life to discovering that each individual has their own distinct tongue print, these fun facts about human bodies will teach you all there is to know about human biology!


Many are acquainted with bones from textbooks and fossil collections in museums or television home improvement shows that display them. But their conception of bones as dry, hard sticks is false: bones are actually living tissue within our bodies that support various functions.

Bones form the backbone of our bodies, protecting internal organs while providing support and movement. Bones store minerals for storage as well as producing blood cells; in addition, there are special cells within bones which make them stronger.

The outer surface of bones is known as the periosteum (par-EE-ost-ee-um). It contains nerves and blood vessels. Compacted bone lies below this outer layer. Compacted bone forms the thicker solid part that makes up your skeleton, composed of small canals lined with cells called osteocytes that help give shape to each bone.

Most of the bones in your body can be found in your arms, legs and hands. There are 27 bones in each hand and 26 in each foot for adults; an individual has 206 total. There are two ankle bones as well as six sesamoideum (say se-sa-moid-eum) bones located within each foot – these combine together to support walking.


Your bones form your skeleton, an internal framework that supports organs and soft tissues within your body. Furthermore, muscles act upon this framework to move body parts. Without its existence, it would be impossible for you to stand up, walk forward or run.

Human skeletons contain over 200 bones, as well as cartilage and ligaments (bands of fibrous connective tissue). Your posture and shape rely heavily on them, as they protect and support organs such as your brain, spinal cord, heart and lungs as well as producing blood cells in bone marrow for blood production and store minerals such as calcium.

Humans possess an axial skeleton consisting of 80 bones to support your head, neck and trunk. It consists of the vertebral column and rib cage (12 pairs of ribs plus the sternum) as well as 22 bone skull with seven associated bones that help make up its form. Furthermore, an appendicular skeleton includes all your upper and lower limb bones plus any associated ones that anchor each one back onto the axial skeleton.


Eyes provide us with an immense amount of information about the world, such as shapes, colors, and movements. They accomplish this in much the same way as a video camera: when light enters your eye it passes through a lens made up of clear and colorless material which helps focus it onto the retina at the back of your eyeball – which contains photoreceptors (rods and cones) that send signals back to the brain about what they see.

The white part of your eye that covers both iris and pupil is known as sclera (pronounced: SKLAIR-uh). Made from strong material, its primary purpose is protection. Meanwhile, glands situated above your eyelids produce tears to wash away germs that might enter through its openings and harm its surface.

Cool body facts such as these help people gain more insight into themselves and the world around them, serving as great conversation starters at dinner parties or while waiting to see your doctor! Keep these interesting did you know facts in your back pocket so that when someone inquires for an interesting fact you always have something interesting to offer them!


Blood is an integral living fluid in our bodies that provides oxygen and nutrients to cells while transporting metabolic waste away. It fights disease as well as performs other vital tasks. Blood is composed of plasma (the liquid portion) and formed components (red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets). Blood also contains antibodies, clotting agents and chemicals; in medical terminology this specialized form of connective tissue often begins with hemo- or haemo-.

Blood is essential to many body processes, from carrying nutrients between cells to fighting illness and regulating temperature to providing energy sources. Blood has its distinctive reddish hue due to erythrocytes – red blood cells with shallow bowl-shaped indents – making up about 40% to 45% of its volume. Cells and tissues form organs; organ systems work together in keeping our bodies running efficiently – the heart being an especially essential organ!


There are over 600 muscles in your body. From helping you move around to pumping blood through it, they have multiple roles. Some are under your conscious control such as skeletal (SKEL-i-tl) muscles while others operate unconsciously like smooth (SMOOT-ee) bladder muscles or your heart muscle which beat over 36500000 times daily and over one billion times in your lifetime.

Muscles move body parts by contracting and relaxing. Muscles work in pairs; when one muscle contracts to bend your elbow, another lengthens as part of their cycle. Each muscle has a tendon attached to its bone that it moves; some are stronger due to having more fibrous filaments which generate greater force when shortened; additionally strength can depend on resistance against stress; which varies among species as well as within individual fibres of one type of muscle.


Your heart is an incredible organ that keeps oxygen- and nutrient-rich blood flowing to all parts of the body. This fist-sized muscle beats over 100,000 times daily, pumping approximately 1.5 gallons of blood per minute (and approximately 2,000 gallons a day!). It pumps blood through an intricate network of flexible blood vessels known as the circulatory system, transporting essential nutrients and hormones directly to cells while carrying away waste products. The heart is a four-chambered double pump that serves as the center of cardiovascular systems in animals with lungs such as amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals and humans. It consists of two bottom chambers, called ventricles, that pump blood outward; and two upper chambers known as atrium and left atrium that receive it into the heart; as well as a wall known as mitral valve that connects left and right atriums and allows blood into both.


Your brain serves as the command center of your body and plays an essential role in getting you where you need to go every day. It regulates organs such as your heart and lungs as well as senses, muscles and skin – not to mention emotions and thoughts – keeping everything running smoothly. Brain cells combine with other body components to form tissues, and organs form from this composite of organs. Your organs work in concert – like departments in a city – to keep you alive and healthy; these amazing facts about your own body will amaze your friends and family alike! These will surely impress them all! Knowledge can add spice to dinner conversations or serve as an icebreaker during trivia games, helping you be ready for your turn when it comes. They’re also invaluable tools in quiz competitions or science classes – use them to impress potential partners or employers; who knows when one little fact could come in handy!

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