
Random Facts About Bugs

Bugs are among the world’s most diverse creatures, yet how much do we truly know about these six-legged critters? Diver beetles possess an amazing feature that allows them to remain underwater for prolonged periods, which makes for one of the coolest insect facts you should be aware of. Harlequin Beetle Acrocinus longimanus, more commonly known

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Crazy Facts About Ants

Ants may appear small and inconsequential, yet they’re among the most intriguing creatures on Earth. Their strength and intelligence make them remarkable creatures – capable of far more than most would believe! Ants, for instance, use trails of pheromones to locate food sources and also clone themselves to form new queens. 1. They can lift

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Fun Facts About Egypt to Impress Your Friends When You Visit

Egypt is an extremely popular travel destination in the Middle East. Make an impressionful first impression when visiting by learning some fun facts about this great nation! Ancient Egyptians held cats in high esteem. They believed they brought luck and were often worshiped as deities. Ancient Egyptians used mineral-based eye makeup such as malachite and

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Top 5 Fun Facts in Argentina

While football remains Argentina’s national pastime, a lesser-known game called pato has long been recognized as its official national sport. Pato combines elements of both polo and basketball on horseback to provide an exciting horseback-based competition that is truly unforgettable! Buenos Aires is world renowned for its sensuous tango dance, which first emerged from brothels

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10 Facts About Volcanoes

Volcanoes provide us with incredible access to Earth’s living interior, but they can also be extremely dangerous. Temperature variations within magma can have an effect on how it erupts; for instance, lavas with greater silica content tend to erupt less explosively than their counterparts with lesser silica content. Scientists use seismometers and other monitoring instruments,

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Fun Facts About Rivers

Rivers are one of the planet’s most fascinating geological features, creating landscapes, canyons, carrying people and goods through many countries (think Nile River to Ancient Egyptian civilization or Danube in Europe!) Rivers play an invaluable role in human civilization – look no further than ancient Egypt where river transport was vital to their economy! As

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