
Cool Facts About Gorillas

Gorillas are fascinating animals with many remarkable attributes. They have four-legged walking capabilities and possess incredible intelligence; even being seen using tools! Their noseprints allow scientists to identify them. Mammals live in large social groups called troops and are polygamous. Each troop has an alpha male known as the silverback who leads and breeds with

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Fun Bear Facts

Bears have long been part of folklore and sport team mascots. These large mammals excel as fishers and climbers; there are eight bear species: Polar, brown, black and Asiatic black bears as well as giant panda bears sloth bears and sun bears. Bears may seem intimidating at first glance, but they also display playful behavior

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Fun Facts About Russia

Russia has long been shrouded in mystery. Both outsiders and insiders alike strive to comprehend it all. There’s much to know about Russia – from Eastern Europe to Northern Asia and 14 time zones! Even Laika the street dog who went into space! There’s so much more than meets the eye about this remarkable nation!

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Cool Hurricane Facts

Hurricanes are devastating storms with unimaginable ferocity. Their destructive force must be respected as one hurricane alone has the energy equivalent of 10 atomic bombs every second! There is so much to know about hurricanes! From their name’s roots to how they shape weather patterns, this comprehensive list of facts about hurricanes will surprise and

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Facts About Planet Mars

Mars, located four planets from the Sun and with two moons, has a reddish hue similar to our Earth. Polar ice caps and geological features suggest it once supported life on this red-hued world. Astronomers studying Mars during the 17th and 18th centuries saw evidence of civilization on Mars, including canals that appeared to carry

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