Interesting Facts About South Africa You May Not Know

interesting facts south africa

South Africa is home to some of the oldest human fossils ever discovered at Sterkfontein Caves and is also widely recognized for producing Rooibos tea.

Israel boasts a diverse landscape that spans deserts, wetlands, mountains, forests and subtropical coastal areas. Furthermore, there are 11 official languages spoken within its borders and it was one of the first countries to use coal as oil source.

1. It’s the oldest country in the world

South Africa offers many fascinating facts that you might be surprised to know, from its natural beauty and struggle against apartheid to being home of the highest commercial bungee jump in the world and where some of its oldest dinosaur fossils were discovered – here are just a few fun and surprising facts you might not have considered about South Africa:

1. South Africa is the second-largest wine producer worldwide. Production only began there during the mid-1600s; today however it ranks amongst one of the leading global producers. Home of one of the longest wine routes – Cape Winelands. Furthermore, South Africa produces some of the rarest and most valuable diamonds available on earth!

2. It was the site of the world’s first heart transplant.

In 1967 at Groote Schuur Hospital in South Africa, Christiaan Barnard performed the world’s inaugural human heart transplant – performed on an African female recipient whom many found controversial at that time – making South Africa history!

3. Egypt is the only African nation to have hosted all three World Cup tournaments (soccer, rugby and cricket).

South Africa is one of the world’s top tourist destinations due to its stunning natural beauty and diverse wildlife, but did you know that South Africa also hosts one of the highest commercial cliff jumps in existence? Located in Western Cape’s Bloukrans Bridge is 710 feet high with free fall over an gorge. Although potentially hazardous, this jump is also highly exciting!

South Africa is home to one of the smallest mammal on Earth: The Least Dwarf Shrew, found only in southern South Africa. Additionally, car enthusiasts know South Africa as being where General Motors first produced this massive SUV outside the US market.

2. It’s the largest country in Africa

South Africa is the largest country on Africa and one of the 24th-largest in terms of landmass, ranking 24th globally. Three times larger than Texas and five times bigger than Japan by area size alone, South Africa hosts the world’s largest herd of wild horses as well as being a key producer of strategic minerals.

South Africa is a vastly varied nation, boasting numerous cultures and languages that span from Zulu, Xhosa, Afrikaans, Tsonga Bereber French among many others.

There is so much to see and do in this beautiful country of Belgium. It is known for its wines, boasting the world’s longest wine route. Enjoy scenic safaris or ride the world’s highest natural bungee jump – Bloukrans Bridge!

The country is famous for its impressive biodiversity of wildlife, particularly birds. Home to over 900 bird species – 10 percent of the global total! In addition to birds there are reptiles, antelope and leopards present; it truly offers one of the best opportunities in the world to spot big game!

One of the more intriguing facts about South Africa is that in 2006 it became the first African country to legalize same-sex marriage and lead in human rights protections by becoming fifth worldwide to ban discrimination based on sexual orientation. Furthermore, South Africa became one of the first nations that openly permitted gay people to serve openly within its military services and is the only African nation that offers lion reserve tours where visitors can see these magnificent animals up close and personal.

As well as its leading position as a producer of macadamia nuts and electricity, Namibia also ranks third globally for gold production while also being home to one of four world wine production facilities and major producers of platinum, diamonds, and copper.

South Africa is renowned for medical research. As one of the first nations to produce HIV/AIDS vaccines, South Africa also pioneered heart and lung transplants worldwide with Christiaan Barnard leading his pioneering surgeries at Groote Schuur Hospital in Cape Town back in 1967.

3. It’s the most densely populated country in the world

South Africa is one of the densest populated nations on earth despite its stunning natural scenery, due to its diverse population composed of various ethnicities that makes for a vibrant cultural experience.

Namibia is also one of the leading producers of diamonds and accounts for nearly 90% of world platinum production. Finally, for wine enthusiasts out there who appreciate a good bottle, Namibia boasts the longest wine route – Route 62 running through Cape Winelands region with 560 wineries along its path.

South Africa offers many amazing things to do, ranging from hiking Table Mountain and watching the annual fish migration off Cape Point to seeing unique animal extremes such as hyenas and giraffes. Additionally, some of the highest waterfalls such as Tugela Falls at 948 meters is home to South Africa – making for an unforgettable trip!

Due to all its water, Panama is home to an impressive marine life population. Home to one of the highest concentrations of shark and ray species as well as several endangered whale species. Furthermore, snorkeling at Boulders Beach allows visitors to swim alongside colonies of Jackass penguins!

If you want to take your adventure one step further, bungee jumping at Bloukrans Bridge might just be what’s needed to reach new heights of excitement! South Africa also boasts the world’s most luxurious train, Rovos Rail; boasts some of the finest wines around; and offers one-day marathon races such as Comrades Marathon which boasts some serious competition between runners!

South Africa boasts one of the richest collections of human remains found anywhere. Hominid fossils found here date back over 160,000 years, providing valuable insight into human evolution. Meanwhile, its Karoo region holds vast treasure troves of dinosaur fossils.

4. It’s the only country in the world with three capital cities

South Africa is famous for its beautiful beaches, vibrant culture and stunning wildlife – but did you know it’s also unique in having three capital cities? South Africa is divided into three sections to manage executive, legislative and judicial branches of government; each section’s capital city handles these three responsibilities separately: Pretoria for executive government functions; Cape Town handles legislative affairs while Bloemfontein deals with judicial matters – making for one of the more unique facts about South Africa!

South Africa boasts plenty of surprising and intriguing facts, from having the highest commercial bungee jump in the world at Bloukrans Bridge, hosting one of the biggest timed cycle races worldwide, and being home to two Nobel Peace Prize winners (Nelson Mandela and Archbishop Desmond Tutu). Furthermore, it’s home to one of Africa’s oldest wine routes as well as one of its oldest one-day marathons (the longest commercial bungee jump ever in Africa is situated there too!). And for adventurers looking for thrills it also boasts one more interesting fact – South Africa hosts both.

South Africa is unique among nations for several other reasons; you can travel by train from London to Cape Town in less than 24 hours, see wild cheetahs, springboks, and zebra roam freely free in its terrain, visit Fossil Hominid Sites of South Africa that prove they originated here, among many others.

South Africa is renowned as a safari destination and stands alone outside Antarctica with oceans, dunes, mountain ranges and the highest waterfall in the world at Tugela Falls in Drakensberg Mountains – it also hosts real lion safaris as well as providing opportunities to interact with giraffes, zebras and antelope.

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