Fun Facts For China

fun facts for china

China is an expansive nation boasting breathtaking nature and intriguing customs. Read these fun facts about china to gain more insight into this amazing nation!

Chopsticks were originally invented for cooking rather than for eating. Ketchup has its roots in China as a pickled fish sauce known as ke-tsiap; all pandas you see at zoos hail from there as well.

1. The Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China stands as one of the world’s iconic landmarks and is revered as an essential window into China’s past and culture. Comprising 20,000 kilometers of walls built over hundreds of years spanning across ancient Chinese states’ northern boundaries, its impressive presence offers insight into Chinese history, culture and development.

Before the unification of China by Emperor Qin Shi Huang, all seven warring states had individual defensive walls located along its northern frontiers. To prevent nomadic Xiongnu tribes from invading, Emperor Shi Huang decided to link these individual defense systems into one cohesive defensive system and provide protection from further incursions by them.

Walls were not only used as fortifications; they were accompanied by watchtowers, beacon towers, blockhouses and garrison soldiers in case of attack from fierce Xiongnu warriors. To overcome their power, these structures were made as tall and intimidating structures so as to strike fear into enemies.

The wall is one of the few remaining monuments still standing today and remains breathtaking in both scale and length, not to mention its difficulty and the long period of labor required to build it. Furthermore, it has become a symbol of national unity as mentioned in both sets of RMB notes as well as being designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1987.

2. Chinese dumplings

Chinese dumplings are more than just food items – they represent hope, love, and prosperity in Chinese culture. Jiao zi are traditional made at midnight on the final day of lunar year to represent good wishes for the new year (Salisbury). Jiao zi are also commonly referred to as winter dumplings due to being eaten during coldest part of winter when people were sick or struggling with illness (Salisbury).

Legend from the Eastern Han Dynasty recounts how Traditional Chinese Medicine doctor Zhang Zhongjing came up with the Jiaozi, or Jiao Zi, as a means to treat frostbite patients. Since its creation, Chinese families celebrate New Year’s Eve by eating Jiao Zi, believed to resemble ancient gold or silver ingots and signifying wealth and prosperity. Some families even hide a coin inside each Jiao Zi so as not to miss a lucky event on New Year’s Eve!

Jiaozi are delectable Chinese dumplings made with pork and cabbage (known in Japan as “gyoza”). When completed, they can also be pan-fried (jianjiao or “gyoza”, depending on how you prepare it). Their production involves elaborate ceremonies among family members who work in tandem to prepare filling, wrap the dumplings in wrapper material, then steam or boil them before steaming or boiling them again. When making these treats yourself at home: put a spoonful of filling into the center of the wrapper material before folding half moon shape pleats along edges and making pleats along the edges to completely seal it in this manner: To create this treat use spoonfuls of filling in center of wrapper seal it and seal it completely before folding to create half moon shapes and pleats along edges so seal it completely sealed within seconds!

3. Fortune cookies

Fortune cookies are a beloved dessert enjoyed at the end of Chinese meals. Each one boasts an inspiring message on a small piece of paper inside and can bring good fortune in return! Made annually worldwide, over one billion fortune cookies are produced, continuing to bring good luck around the globe.

Fortune cookies have long been associated with Chinese restaurants, yet their exact origin remains unknown. Some believe they originated in America by Japanese immigrants while others credit David Jung of Los Angeles’ fortune cookie factory for inventing them before World War I. Whatever its source, fortune cookies have now become an indispensable component of global Chinese cuisine restaurants worldwide.

Cracking open your fortune cookie can be an exciting moment when dining out or ordering takeout. But you might be surprised to learn that fortune cookies don’t actually predict the future! Even if it happens to contain a prediction about winning the lottery, that’s simply chance. Instead, fortune cookies have more significance for their messages inside them and this recipe provides the means for creating customized ones with humorous messages written within. Your friends and family will have great laughs reading these delicious snacks out loud!

4. Mushrooms

Mushrooms have long been seen as symbols of luck and good fortune due to their otherworldly appearance. Being neither plant nor animal, mushrooms hold an irresistibly magical appeal for many of us.

Mushrooms were once seen as gateways to the gods in both Roman and Greek mythology, sometimes leading them astray into animal or plant form. Psychoactive properties similar to that found in psilocybin were believed to exist within mushrooms as well; indeed many are still used medicinally today.

Mushrooms have become a symbol of longevity and prosperity throughout Asia. Chinese symbolism associates mushrooms with longevity and health while in Japan they signify purity and new beginnings.

Mushrooms are nature’s recyclers, helping break down dead organic matter such as dead trees or wood and carcasses into compost for reuse by humans. Plus, mushrooms use far less water than most crops do! Making mushrooms an excellent Earth Month topic.

5. Toilet paper

China may be known for being one of the most advanced nations, yet its population ranks 4th after Russia (two times larger). Thus it comes as no surprise that this huge nation has some peculiar customs and traditions; when children lose their first tooth they often either bury or throw it off of a roof in order to ensure straight and strong development; also growing long nails is seen as a sign of wealth dating back to 200BCE!

Toilet paper first emerged in China alongside other revolutionary inventions like gunpowder, the compass, and block printing. It first saw wide use for the Chinese imperial family around 1393 – made out of rice-based perfumed paper made for them by Joseph Gayetty’s brand named “Medicated Paper for the Water Closet.” He thought his idea so groundbreaking he printed his name onto each sheet!

Today’s modern toilet paper is produced using recycled fibers from office papers, books and other waste that would otherwise be thrown away. Manufacturers begin by crushing and shredding raw materials into thin sheets before adding ink, dye, bleaching and sanitizing before pressing, embossing, cutting and wrapping into rolls for pressing into service rolls for pressing, embossing or cutting purposes. High-quality TP usually features thicker piles enabling faster wiping action – thus improving effectiveness overall.

6. Kites

A kite quadrilateral consists of two congruent pairs of sides adjacent to each other that form two pairs of congruent sides that measure 90 degrees at their interior angles, with the product of diagonals equalling half its perimeter.

Kites can be found throughout the world. One particular species known as the hook-billed kite specializes in eating tree snails and will migrate to areas with large populations for feeding purposes. Their parrot-like beaks allow them to break open shells easily before flying around tree limbs in search of food sources.

Chinese kites have long been recognized for their large and beautiful paper kites known as zhi yuan. It’s believed they first emerged with Mozi (BCE 470-391), who wrote about wooden bird kites being flown.

Kites have long been associated with good luck in China and used to celebrate New Year. Kites also serve as vehicles for scientific research; for instance, the Wright brothers tested out a wing control system on a kite in 1899 before building their first plane – one step towards success that ultimately lead them to flying a plane in 1903. Furthermore, ancient Chinese practice of attaching sailors to kites before throwing them into the wind to test strength and direction may have paved the way to aerodynamics research today.

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