Satellite Weather For Sydney

satellite weather sydney

If you live in Sydney and are worried about the weather, you should check out this new Australian-made satellite. It is a shoebox-sized CubeSat that was launched from the International Space Station in August.

The CUAVA-1 satellite is expected to be a major part of Australia’s space weather forecasting efforts in the near future. It will help to provide more accurate weather information for equatorial to mid-latitude regions of the world.


Satellite weather is a crucial tool for meteorologists. They help monitor storms around the globe, identify volcanic ash and smoke from wildfires, and track hurricane development. Unlike traditional weather forecasts that are based on the ground, weather satellites operate from high altitudes (36’000 km) and can provide instantaneous images of large weather systems.

For example, a weather satellite can be launched into a sun-synchronous orbit, which passes over the same part of the Earth at the same time every day and is able to make observations that are ingested into numerical weather prediction computer models. This type of orbit is particularly useful for polar-orbiting satellites, which provide global coverage.

Aside from providing important weather data, these satellites also offer a unique perspective on the planet’s climate. They are able to provide a wide-area view of the atmosphere, including its surface, upper air, and clouds. This makes them especially valuable for short-term forecasting of weather conditions.

Sydney’s climate is dominated by a warm and wet summer, with average temperatures ranging from 47degF to 80degF and rarely dropping below 42degF or above 90degF. This means that the summers can be very hot and humid, but there are also a number of cooler periods during the year as well.

During the Summer months, visitors can enjoy a plethora of outdoor activities, with many of Sydney’s beaches proving popular for swimming, sunbathing and other water-based fun. Alternatively, travellers can head out on a scenic cruise around the city’s harbour or take a tour of the city’s various gardens and parks.

In contrast, the Winters are usually quite cool, with average temperatures averaging a brisk 8 degrees celsius at night and day. The winters are not as wet as the summers, however a significant amount of rain can fall, meaning that tourists should be prepared for the possibility of damp or wet weather.

Cloud cover is a significant factor in the weather in Sydney, and it can vary from area to area over the course of a year. Weather satellites take photographs of the sky from different angles, and these can be viewed together to produce an animated map showing cloud movement.


Weather radar echoes in Sydney reveal a 40 per cent rise in the intensity of powerful short-duration rainfall events called rapid rain bursts. These can be destructive as they can overwhelm roads, gutters and drainage systems in just 10 minutes.

The ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes measured these bursts in the greater Sydney region using data from three overlapping ground-based radars, including Newcastle, Terrey Hills and Wollongong, over a two-decade period. The researchers found the average rate of rapid rain bursts increased by about 20% per decade, which suggests that the extremes are intensifying faster than previously thought.

These bursts can occur as a part of a larger storm or independently. Often, these bursts are a result of mesoscale convergence associated with the sea breeze. However, a more detailed study using a smaller grid scale and a larger dataset is needed to assess how these observations might vary with synoptic type and with season.

Some of these changes have been caused by changes in upper wind patterns, which are believed to influence the movement of a storm. Other possible influences include a reversal in the direction of the prevailing winds, which can lead to a change in storm structure and a decrease in the intensity of a storm.

Another potential factor is a rise in the number of squall lines, which can act as an indicator for the presence of storms. This can also cause a rise in rainfall during the squall line as it can become more likely to be isolated from other storms and the intensity of the squalls may increase.

This is why it is important to keep an eye on the squall lines. These can indicate when a thunderstorm is approaching the Sydney area.

The BOM Weather app enables users to track temperature, humidity, pressure and rain, as well as wind and coastal conditions. It is free to download and available for both iOS and Android operating systems. It also has Google Maps integration and is compatible with a wide range of smart devices.

Sydney Weather in November is a good time to visit as it offers sunny weather, ideal for sightseeing and outdoor activities, with hotel rates lower than during the summer months. New Year’s Day is also a popular holiday and if you plan to celebrate this event, it’s best to do so in the evening when the crowds are less.


There are a number of factors that affect the winds around Sydney. These include the city’s location near a large body of water, which means that weather conditions can vary greatly across the area. In addition, wind patterns vary depending on the time of year and where in the world you are located.

Generally, the wind direction and speed are affected by the local topography. This is especially true for coastal areas, where the wind can be influenced by ocean currents and other weather phenomena.

Temperatures can also be affected by wind. In addition to temperature, wind can also affect the amount of precipitation that falls.

Rainfall is a common feature of the Sydney climate (Fig 2). It occurs on 40% of days, with most of it occurring in winter.

In Sydney, rainfall is most commonly from heavy storms. However, it can also occur from a low that is pushed by a cold front and causes rain on the coast (note 13.C).

These lows often affect coastal regions of Australia, including Sydney. They are subtropical lows that bring warm moist air onshore. They can occur anytime of the year, but are most common from January to June.

A second east coast low is set to move in over the weekend and into Tuesday, bringing strong winds and heavy rainfall to Sydney, the Hunter region, the Illawarra and the southern coast. The Bureau of Meteorology is forecasting six-hourly rainfall totals ranging from 70mm to 120mm for Sydney and the region, along with damaging wind gusts that could exceed 90 km/h in some areas.

The NSW State Emergency Service warned people to be prepared for the storm, which is expected to bring rain and flooding across the state on Monday evening into Tuesday. It said the forecast was based on an analysis of historical weather reports and model projections.

A severe weather warning is in effect for the mid-north coast, the Hunter region and parts of the Sydney metropolitan area. Residents have been warned to move their vehicles away from trees and secure loose outdoor items, such as bicycles.

Sky Conditions

The sky is a huge part of satellite weather, and fortunately it’s fairly predictable. The colour of the sky is largely dependent on the height and amount of cloud.

The best sunrises and sunsets are typically associated with high, dry, clear skies. This is because clean air is good at scattering light, and so is able to create some spectacular displays of vibrant colours in the sky.

There are many different websites and apps that offer sunrise and sunset predictors, so it’s important to check out the ones for your region. For example, Windy is a radar based website that goes into more detail than others and also has an app (and a very detailed website).

Another very useful tool is a website called Cloud Free Night that offers a number of forecast maps and meteograms. Its meteogram is particularly impressive as it combines the latest ACCESS and GFS model data to give you a very accurate and informative breakdown of total cloud cover over the next few days.

It’s also possible to use a combination of these sites to predict the best times to go out and take pictures. A good tip is to go out a little before the sun rises or just after it sets – this will increase your chances of getting some great shots!

You’ll also want to avoid using your phone for photography in poor conditions – try and take photos from a tripod. This will allow you to get more focus and more accurate exposures as the camera is not moving around.

In terms of a better-known sky indicator, it’s hard to beat the Australian Bureau of Meteorology’s (ABM) satellite webcam. The site is very user-friendly and can provide a visual representation of how much cloud cover is in the area, and whether it’s low, mid or high.

The best time of the year to see a clear sky in Sydney is during the month of August. The rest of the year is a bit less sunny than that, and the average percentage of the sky covered by clouds varies over time.

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