Weather satellites take an image of the entire world every 5 to 15 minutes. These images can be animated to provide a minute-by-minute view of the weather.
In Pakistan this year’s monsoon has been dubbed a “monsoon of a lifetime.” This satellite image captures the Indus river and its tributaries engulfing large portions of normally arid brown land, showing how devastating this year’s flooding has already been.
Weather Maps
Weather Satellite Images show the cloud cover on a large scale with animation. New satellite observations become available every 5 to 15 minutes depending on the location. These images are a great way to see the development and movement of clouds, and can be used by meteorologists for short term forecasting. This application provides a huge set of satellite maps for India, including North East India, North West India, South West India and South East India. It also shows rain forecasts, temperature maps and humidity maps, allowing you to take an accurate look at the weather in your area, even when there’s no internet connection.
Temperature Maps
Easily check out temperature maps of the Indian subcontinent, North East India, South West India and South East India on your mobile screen with animation. This is a great way to find out current sea water and land temperatures, which are useful for fishermen and farmers alike. This application is continuously updated with the latest weather and climate conditions. It is very easy to use and has a built-in data caching feature to ensure that you don’t download duplicate data from the server.