Where is the Moon Phase Today?

where is the moon phase today

Every month, the Moon goes through a series of phases. Each one offers a different opportunity or energy to work with.

Keeping track of the moon phases is called moon mapping and it’s a great way to align your life with what’s happening in the lunar cycle. It’s also a powerful tool for manifesting.

New Moon

In the Northern Hemisphere, the new moon phase occurs when the moon is most nearly between the sun and Earth for a specific month. In this case, the illuminated side of the moon faces away from the earth and is visible only during the night.

Many people think of the new moon as the first sighting of a thin crescent in the west after sunset. In fact, this is what many astronomers call a “new moon.”

The term new moon comes from the word “novel.” It refers to a new or young moon. You’ll often see this very thin crescent in the sky a few days after each new moon.

This is a very exciting time to watch the moon. In fact, it’s the best time to view the moon if you live in the Northern Hemisphere.

If you’re not sure where to look for the new moon, try using our interactive map below. It shows where the Moon will appear today and tomorrow in your area.

Our yearly calendar also shows the moon phases for your location. It breaks down the lunar cycle into the new moon, first quarter, full moon, and third quarter for this year and next. Order a copy today!

First Quarter

When the Moon is first quarter, it appears to have half of its disk illuminated. It is this phase that most people think of when they hear about the Moon.

In the Northern Hemisphere, it occurs just after sunset in the eastern sky. In the Southern Hemisphere, it occurs just before sunrise in the western sky.

A first quarter Moon occurs between the waxing crescent and the waxing gibbous phases of a moon cycle. The days before and after this phase see the Moon grow brighter every day until it is full at the next full moon.

As it progresses from crescent to full, the percentage of the Moon’s disk that is illuminated (known as percent illumination) gradually increases. It is this change that defines a waxing crescent, a waxing gibbous, a full moon, and a waning crescent.

The date and time for the first quarter, full, and last quarter of the moon cycle are published in almanacs, calendars, etc. The difference in ecliptic longitudes of the Moon and Sun is a monotonically increasing quantity, so this gives very precise definitions of when these phases occur.

In the Northern Hemisphere, the first quarter of the moon phase rises during the afternoon and sets in the early night. In the Southern Hemisphere, the first quarter of a moon cycle happens just after sunset in the western sky.

Full Moon

The full moon phase occurs when the side of the Moon facing Earth is fully illuminated by the Sun. It’s also referred to as a supermoon, blue moon, or harvest moon.

It’s important to note that the full moon phase is not the same everywhere on Earth, as different parts of the globe have varying degrees of illumination. This is because the moon orbits around Earth differently from one place to another, causing it to appear different on the surface of the Earth.

When the Moon is at the closest point to the Earth, which is known as perigee (the Moon’s orbit around the Earth is closer than it is from Earth), it appears larger and brighter. This is why it’s called a supermoon.

As the Moon moves further from the point of closest approach to the Earth, which is known as apogee (the Moon’s orbit is farther than it is from Earth), it begins to appear smaller and lighter. This is the Waning Gibbous phase.

It is a good idea to look up to the sky before sunrise when viewing this phase. This is because the Moon will be much closer to the sun, so the light from the Sun will be reflected off of the dark side of the Moon. This will make it easier to see the craters and mountains on the Moon’s surface. You can also use binoculars to get a better view.

Last Quarter

The Moon is one of the most visible objects in the night sky, and it changes through a series of phases over a 29.5-day period. These phases are a result of the Moon’s orbit around Earth.

The smallest phase is the Last Quarter. This occurs three-quarters of the way around the Moon’s orbit. It happens once a month, and rises at midnight and sets at noon. It looks like a half-moon in the sky because only half of the Moon is illuminated by the Sun.

It’s a perfect time to check in with yourself and see how far you’ve come since the New Moon. Taking note of your strengths and weaknesses helps you to set goals and achieve them with more clarity.

Traditionally, the Last Quarter is known as a time for “letting go.” This could be a perfect time to cut ties with toxic people or break up with someone who’s no longer serving you. Linn had been holding on to a fantasy about her mother’s disapproval for quite some time, and this Last Quarter Moon offered her a powerful opportunity to let it go.

It’s also a great time to focus on forgiveness, which is especially important if you’ve been harboring bitterness or resentment towards a person. You can use this last lunar cycle to release the past and move forward into the future with renewed hope and energy.

Waxing Crescent

The waxing crescent phase is a great time to get going on your goals, whether it’s finishing up the project you’ve been putting off or hitting your targets at work. This moon phase encourages positive actions and faith, as it suggests that you’ll receive the support you need to achieve your goals.

When the Moon is in its waxing crescent phase, it can be seen rising above the horizon on clear nights as it gets closer to the Full Moon. It sets just before the sun rises, meaning that the illuminated side of the Moon is pointing eastwards towards the sunrise.

Astronomers have categorized the Moon’s phases into four major ones, New Moon, First Quarter, Full Moon, and Last Quarter, along with four secondary phases that represent a span of time rather than a specific moment. During the primary phases, the Moon’s surface is fully illuminated; during the secondary phases, the illuminated portion is growing in size (i.e. waxing).

The Waxing Crescent and the Waning Gibbous phases are also called “new moons.” The New Moon phase is a time for new beginnings; it’s a perfect opportunity to take stock of what’s gone before, learn from it, and refresh. It’s also a time to set new intentions for the month ahead, and begin to rebuild what’s broken or in need of repair.

Waxing Gibbous

The Moon is a celestial body that circles the Earth every 29 days, providing us with a way to track weather, tides, and plant growth. Each lunar cycle is marked by a series of phases, from new to full, that are visible from Earth.

The moon’s illumination increases as it progresses from the invisible New Moon through a thin sliver of light at First Quarter, and then reaches its maximum illumination at Full Moon. This phase has a powerful effect on the tides of Earth and is also regarded as a time of spiritual rebirth and enlightenment.

This is a good time to start a new project or pursue something you’ve always wanted to do. It’s also a great time to reflect on expansion and growth.

During this phase, the terminator (the line that divides lit and unlit portions of the Moon’s disc) shifts across the surface of the moon, causing shadows to cast on different parts of the moon. This shifting balance of light and shadow can help you notice the obstacles that you’ll need to overcome if you want to move forward with your projects and plans.

This phase is the most philosophical of all the moon phases and can be particularly meaningful to people who are looking for a sense of meaning or purpose in their lives. It’s a great time to think about why you do what you do and how it benefits others. Those born under this phase are generally spiritually-minded and seek to understand the larger picture of life. They strive to make a difference and help others reach their full potential.

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