The Sky Blue Infantry
Infantrymen wear a light blue cord around their right shoulder as a symbol of their connection to the branch; this cord is known as a fourrager.
Only soldiers and officers with an infantry military occupational specialty (MOS 11A and those who complete infantry One Station Unit Training) may wear the cord. This includes recruits completing MOS 11A training.
The color of the sky
The sky is blue due to sunlight passing through Earth’s atmosphere and being scattered. Shorter wavelengths like violet and blue tend to get scattered more than longer wavelengths like red and orange; thus causing us to perceive blue light. Its hue may change throughout the year depending on weather conditions – for instance during rainstorms it can look grayer while sunny weather typically presents brighter skies with clear and brilliant hues.
Pollutant levels also have an effect on the sky’s color; when there’s lots of pollution present, its hue may look gray or even brown whereas with less pollution present, its hue will remain clear and deeper blue.
Infantry units of the US Army are represented by blue, which symbolizes bravery and dedication to our country. Blue has long been used by military organizations since it represents their members’ bravery and dedication – it even came up during basic training! All recruits learn that God loves Infantry because “God loves Infantry”.
Refraction is one of the primary reasons for why the sky is blue. Light from the sun consists of many different colors – blue, green, red, and indigo are just some examples – which travel in waves too small to see directly but can still be altered by breathing air; this phenomenon known as refraction causes low-lying suns and moons to appear slightly squashed when close together in the sky.
Another reason the sky is blue is due to oxygen in the atmosphere, produced through photosynthesis by plants and taken in by carbon dioxide emissions. Photosynthesis releases oxygen as carbon dioxide emissions take in carbon, giving rise to blue skies over two billion years! Oxygen has played an essential role in supporting life on our planet!
The color of the water
Grunts on patrol or operations that involve living outdoors often don’t get regular showers, adequate shelter from the elements, enough food or water, etc. They need to be ready for anything mother nature throws their way and be mentally tough enough to fight back if necessary – training hard is one way of doing this, while another method involves becoming tough as nails – this is why soldiers call themselves “The Sky Blue Infantry”.
At first glance it may seem counterintuitive for large bodies of water to appear blue when they’re otherwise transparent, but their hue is inextricable from their composition. Light passing through water absorbs longer wavelengths from its visible spectrum while leaving shorter wavelengths unaffected; this explains why large bodies appear blue while cups of water appear transparent.
Water absorbs many things and can take on different hues depending on what dissolved particles enter it, such as tannins from plants or iron and manganese from soil runoff or sediment, caffeine or fluoride, for instance. Their concentration and ability to absorb light ultimately determine their color.
Once a soldier receives their blue cord at the “Turning Blue” ceremony at the conclusion of infantry advanced individual training (AIT), they are officially inducted into the infantry brotherhood and authorized to wear its knotted cord and backing discs on their infantry brass insignia. However, not all soldiers may donning such insignia: eligibility requires graduating infantry school as well as posting within infantry units or certain branch immaterial units which offer aspects of infantry training, such as drill sergeants or instructors or those holding MOSs for infantry MOSs (military occupational specialization).
The color of the earth
The earth can often appear to be a cool shade of blue. This is likely due to the vast oceans, lakes, and other bodies of water covering 71% of its surface, reflecting blue light back into space from our atmosphere. Green is another major hue on this planet resulting from plants and animals as well as different wavelengths of sunlight coming into existence which ultimately determine its appearance from space.
Army infantry recruits learning basic training are taught that God loves them because the sky is blue – just one of many lessons they will receive during their service in the Army and it serves to give hope for the future.
Another concept a grunt will understand is “Turning Blue”. When a soldier “turns blue”, it means they officially graduate infantry school and can wear blue uniform cord and backing discs with their collar badges. Furthermore, turning blue signifies joining an incredible brotherhood of soldiers who will always be there when needed.
Some may mistakenly believe that grunts have lower IQs than their military and civilian peers; this is simply not the case; grunts are just as intelligent and enjoy diverse interests as any other group of people.
Bernhard Edmaier has taken some incredible aerial photographs that capture the vibrant hues and wonder of our planet, inspiring viewers to travel the globe themselves and explore more deeply its wonders. These captivating images will surely leave an impactful mark in your mind and encourage exploration!
Infantry units wear blue for several reasons. One significant one is that infantry soldiers serve as front line fighters of an army and must be represented with colors that remind them of the skies overhead.
The color of the sun
When people ask what color the Sun is, they typically refer to its emissions in the black-body spectrum – closer to blue-green than anything seen from space – or its peak emissions within this band; either way, the answer will usually be white.
Atmospheric scattering explains why our Sun appears blue from Earth. When sunlight passes through our atmosphere, shorter wavelengths (such as blue and violet light ) are scattered more than longer ones due to dipole moments present in air molecules; light travels through this process until it encounters these molecules and bends by Rayleigh scattering; this causes blue-violet light to bounce around more than red or yellow-light, thus stimulating our retina more than other colors.
When the Sun is low on the horizon, its effects become especially apparent due to having to pass through more atmosphere than is typical at higher altitudes. As a result, nearer the horizon, its hue appears deeper blue.
At times, the Sun may appear green due to solar flares or temperature increases; however, these effects are temporary and don’t alter its overall white appearance.
While many believe the Sun to be an incandescent blue-green star, this is inaccurate. Instead, the Sun is actually a white-hot star which emits radiation at all wavelengths–radio waves to gamma rays–with very high temperatures on its surface called the photosphere and very high photosphere temperatures that produce its characteristic white appearance from Earth; but as it rises or sets through lower atmospheric layers such as its chromosphere and corona where temperatures start to decrease; its characteristic white hue fades into reddish or orange hues at sunset or sunrise!