What is the Planet Closest to Earth in Size?

People frequently ask, “Which planet is closest to Earth in size?” Unfortunately, the answer lies within how distance is measured. Kepler-452b, located 1,194 light years from Earth, is approximately 60% larger than Earth and orbits within its host star’s habitable zone, giving researchers reason to believe there’s an excellent chance it could support life. Venus…

Spacecraft Found on Mars Could Contain Earth Microorganisms

Scientists fear that microorganisms from Mars might spread to Earth, yet substantial natural material from it falls to our planet, including signs of life. Perseverance rover is exploring rocks formed from an ancient lake at Jezero Crater in Arizona, searching for signs of microorganisms and carbon-containing organic molecules. Unfortunately, Perseverance’s instruments cannot guarantee success 100%…

What Would It Be Like to Weigh on a Planet Other Than Earth?

Mars, located four planets from the Sun and second in size behind Mercury in our solar system, is an icy desert planet approximately half as big as Earth. Mars has less mass, leading to less gravity pull; therefore, you would weigh approximately 38 percent as much on Mars than you would on Earth. Mass Mars,…

The Closest Planets to Earth

Planets that orbit stars similar to our own could host liquid water, making its discovery even more significant and helping scientists understand its composition in terms of rocks and materials. Most people believe Venus to be our nearest planet, but in actuality Mercury could actually be closer due to how astronomers calculate distance. Their position…

Life on Earth Would Go Terribly Awry Without Clouds

Clouds play an essential part in Earth’s climate by reflecting some of the sunlight back into space and keeping Earth cooler than otherwise. From sky-filling stratus to popcorn-puff cumulus and wispy cirrus all the way through to anvil-shaped nimbus clouds are essential in keeping its temperatures at an acceptable level. Clouds form in areas with…