Who Weather Radar Map

who weather radar map

Weather radars are widely used worldwide to predict rain, snow, and other forms of precipitation as well as more dangerous events like tornadoes and floods.

Modern weather radars are predominantly doppler radars that can detect both the movement of raindroplets and intensity of precipitation, providing data that can help scientists better understand storm structures and whether or not they could result in severe weather events. This information can then be analyzed for greater insight.


Radar is a device which detects impulses of radio waves traveling through the air and measures them back onto itself using special software. This data can then be used to build meteorological models and produce forecasts.

Weather radars can be very helpful tools in measuring wind speed and direction. In addition, they can also assist in detecting tornadoes as well as providing accurate predictions when severe weather will hit a particular city or region.

There are various kinds of weather radars, and each has its own set of capabilities and limitations. Some models specialize in measuring wind speed while others detect precipitation or snowfall.

Wind velocity can be divided into two components; the radial component and the transverse component (figure 1). A radial component occurs when wind is blowing directly towards or away from a radar station; on the other hand, transverse component refers to winds passing across its beam of vision.

The radial component is an accurate way of measuring wind strength since it measures it directly without being affected by surface winds which may be stronger or weaker than expected. Because its measurements are so precise, radial components can help identify areas with strong or weak winds and help track cold front movements more easily.

Additionally, the radial component can also be used to detect small scale circulations within thunderstorms that include mesocyclones and tornadoes. Although they may cover only several square kilometers at times, these small circulations can still be identified using differences in wind’s radial speed and/or variations in radar polarization.

Wind maps provide a visual depiction of wind detected by weather radar, providing details such as direction and strength of winds in real time as they blow. A wind map also displays information regarding isobars and cyclones/anticyclones within the atmosphere.

Weather radars operating in Clear Air Mode allow users to see radial velocities at four radar “tilt” angles; 0.5deg, 1.45 deg, 2.40 deg and 3.35deg. These tilt angles help users evaluate storm structure, locate atmospheric boundaries and assess hail potential.


Weather radars can detect precipitation, calculate its motion, estimate its type (rain, snow or hail), forecast its future position and intensity and foretell its future presence and intensity. Modern Doppler radars allow meteorologists to forecast stormy weather by tracking rain droplet movement as well as intensities; this feature helps meteorologists accurately predict whether severe storm conditions are likely.

The Weather Radar Map is an interactive product that allows users to explore the wide array of data available in their area. By filtering information by time of day, date, temperature and humidity for a more focused search you can get an accurate representation of weather conditions before heading out in your car or using mobile devices to navigate to it. Plus it works great on desktops as well as smartphones.

Snazzy Weather App’s user-friendly interface enables you to zoom in and out of the graphical display, while its futuristic Future Radar option shows where storm cells will form in the coming hours. Furthermore, its short-range modeling system ensures accurate predictions of storm movement as well as an extensive list of hazards; something many other weather apps don’t offer. Best of all: It’s free – download now to begin seeing the big picture in no time.


Over the next two days, significant snowfall is anticipated across New York and its environs, as well as Wisconsin and Michigan. Once it leaves town, its effects could extend far beyond Manhattan itself – reaching Wisconsin western half and northern Michigan regions as well. Far northern Wisconsin will experience the strongest blizzard, with 12-18 inches falling as jetstream shifts east. Trace amounts will also be observed across Greater New York including Long Island and eastern Pennsylvania; plus there will be warming weather after. Weather radar maps offer comprehensive weather information. You can view current and forecasted precipitation along with various informational goodies using iOS or Android mobile applications from NOWRAD; additionally you can subscribe to their news feed or view your local weather forecast in web browser.


Weather radars are used to track storms and provide early warning when bad weather strikes. Utilizing Doppler effect technology, weather radars detect the direction and speed of storm movement – this helps meteorologists construct models and produce forecasts as well as helping broadcasters provide more accurate information to their viewers, building trust with viewers as a result.

Radars scan at various angles to provide three dimensional data on rain and precipitation, providing crucial 3D information such as cloud top locations and whether or not they’re moving toward or away from you – an essential tool for aviation.

Additionally, it allows you to observe wind speeds and directions within a thunderstorm – an invaluable way of spotting tornadoes which often accompany strong winds.

Velocity imagery is typically presented using red and green hues to indicate wind direction: red means that wind is blowing away from the radar while green indicates wind blowing towards it. If all these colors combine in the same storm, this indicates an intense rotating column of air within it that needs attention.

Velocity imagery can help locate tornadoes by showing how the wind moves across a storm system; if its direction seems random, that can indicate a tornado is nearby.

Another way you can detect tornadoes in an area is by reviewing reflectivity data on radar images. If the waves show a hook signature, this could be an indicator that there is an air column rotating rapidly around itself – often an EF-2 tornado!

During dry periods, radar maps often display large smoke plumes due to prescribed fires set by federal, state, or local officials for land management purposes.

Weather radar maps are an invaluable way to track storms in your region. Updated every five minutes, they offer an up-to-date picture of current conditions.

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