Mental Health Professionals – What Do They Do?

Psychologists are mental health professionals with postgraduate qualifications in psychology who work with clients from diverse genders, sexual orientations, age groups and neurotypes. Psychologists focus on understanding their clients’ issues at their roots before helping them make positive changes that enhance wellbeing.

Psychologists do not prescribe medication, but can work alongside your GP to develop a progressive support plan for you.


Psychologists are licensed mental health professionals who hold university degrees focused on human behavior, emotion and thought. Psychologists are qualified to provide counselling and psychotherapy; perform psychological tests and evaluations; as well as work closely with their clients to assist with emotional difficulties while providing advice about various therapeutic interventions to increase wellbeing and promote personal growth.

Clinical psychologists possess an array of abilities that enable them to treat depression, anxiety and eating disorders effectively as well as family, relationship and workplace problems. They typically offer empathy and understanding and focus heavily on creating warm collaborative relationships with their clients while being familiar with various therapeutic techniques backed by evidence-based practice for optimal treatment outcomes.

Some clinical psychologists specialize in child and adolescent psychology, counselling psychology or forensic psychology. Others may focus on serving economically disadvantaged populations such as children living with chronic illnesses or seniors; or conducting research into specific psychological disorders while creating ways to promote emotional well-being.

Psychologists who offer consultation services are frequently sought out by organizations for expert advice on various psychological matters, such as employee wellbeing or classroom management. Furthermore, they collaborate closely with healthcare providers to ensure their clients receive optimal care.

Psychologists can assist with various issues, including posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression anxiety grief low self-esteem stress addictions such as gambling internet pornography alcohol abuse. Psychologists also help treat behavioral problems including obsessive compulsive disorder bipolar disorder as well as helping with chronic illnesses such as cancer HIV/AIDS as well as providing support to families caregivers as well as finding healthy coping mechanisms to cope with life’s challenges.


Psychiatrists are doctors who specialize in diagnosing and treating mental health disorders. Depending on the setting they practice in – hospitals or private practices for example – or they may form part of multidisciplinary teams consisting of clinical psychologists, social workers, occupational therapists etc. – psychiatrists may serve both diagnose and treat mental health conditions.

Psychiatry is an invaluable field, as it assists those suffering from mental illnesses with serious side effects to regain their lives. This medical specialty specializes in diagnosing and treating mental conditions such as anxiety, depression and bipolar disorder – it requires extensive education and training before entering this demanding career field.

A psychiatrist’s extensive knowledge of how the brain functions allows them to understand the complex relationships between physical and emotional wellbeing. Trained to assess and diagnose mental illness according to the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), psychiatrists may prescribe medications as well as psychotherapy services.

At your first appointment with a psychiatrist, they will collect vitals such as blood pressure and heart rate and ask about your family history before providing an in-depth diagnosis and discussing potential treatment plans with you. Plan on spending an hour or so at this initial visit.

When visiting a psychiatrist, be sure to bring all your symptoms and medications. Be ready to discuss any family history of mental illness as well as any issues which might affect your mental wellbeing. A psychiatric may help find a balance between medication and therapy that will enable you to get better.

Many psychiatrists accept insurance plans; it’s best to call ahead and see if yours does. If they do, the cost of sessions should be reimbursed from your insurance provider; otherwise you can still visit them but they might not be able to assist with bills.

If you are interested in becoming a psychiatrist, shadowing one or more in your area. This will provide an insider perspective into this profession and can help you assess if it’s the appropriate career choice for you.


Counsellors or psychotherapists work with individuals to help them overcome mental health problems, including depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, sleep issues and relationship difficulties. Counsellors use various therapeutic methods such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). Counselors can also help individuals who have physical illnesses or injuries.

Rebecca Hartman is renowned as an exceptional psychologist with an in-depth knowledge of mind-body relations, who strives to help her clients find peace and equilibrium in their lives. Her extensive professional experience includes academic research at University of Wollongong as well as working for not-for-profit organisations, schools and private practices before joining Australian Psychological Society as a member and becoming qualified to offer psychological counselling and psychotherapy to adults.

She is a kind and warm individual who takes great pride in providing a safe space for her clients to express their needs and experiences freely. She believes it’s essential for both parties to work collaboratively toward reaching the desired outcomes of treatment plans while building up self-determination skills. She specializes in working with clients who have had experiences of childhood trauma, such as sexual abuse or domestic violence.

Kelsi is an enthusiastic and open-minded psychologist who enjoys working with a diverse clientele. She specializes in treating those who have experienced significant trauma such as complex PTSD or dissociation and is also an accomplished group therapy facilitator with experience working with clients from diverse cultural backgrounds.

Kelsi currently provides sessions funded by the NDIS’ Improved Daily Living, Improved Health and Wellbeing and Capacity Building budgets as well as Functional Capacity Assessments. She accepts various funding methods – Medicare rebates among them – while being committed to providing superior services in her comfortable Adelaide CBD office.


Psychotherapists provide help for a wide variety of mental health issues, such as depression, anxiety, phobias, bipolar disorder and negative behavioral patterns. Through talk therapy or counseling sessions they use talk therapy techniques to assist their patients manage these conditions and enhance quality of life. If necessary they may refer their clients to psychiatrists who may prescribe medications.

Therapists may be individuals or groups, and are generally trained in multiple therapeutic approaches. Some specialize in specific fields like family or marriage and relationship therapy while others possess generalist training such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT techniques involve addressing patients’ underlying feelings while also recognizing harmful patterns of thought and behavior and encouraging healthy lifestyle changes.

Psychotherapy differs from friendship in that it involves formal agreements to meet at set times and discuss only what concerns a patient. Sessions begin with an initial assessment, followed by discussing goals and treatment plans; thereafter the therapist and patient establish a schedule of regular therapy sessions called a treatment contract.

BlueSky Psychology can accept payment either out of pocket or through Medicare; however, in order to claim Medicare rebates a referral from your GP is needed – most will submit it automatically when booking sessions; otherwise it’s an easy process that BlueSky Psychology’s reception staff can assist with.

Psychotherapy is a vast field, offering various forms of psychotherapy and counselling services. Finding an appropriate therapist depends on your unique needs, goals, and preferences – ultimately you want someone you feel comfortable talking to who has earned your trust.

Psychologists typically work in clinical settings such as hospitals and private practices, schools, community organizations and college counseling centers – as well as with special populations such as children and the elderly. Psychologists may specialize in specific mental disorders like depression or schizophrenia; in certain states they may even become certified to prescribe medications.

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