Cool Facts About China

cool facts china

China is a rapidly emerging superpower with an intriguing culture and ancient traditions, boasting many fascinating facts to know about this fascinating nation. There are so many interesting details you should learn about!

Chinese inventors created ping-pong and football (or soccer). Additionally, they pioneered toilet paper use. Chinese beliefs include lucky and unlucky numbers as well as having their own special way of drinking tea.

The Great Wall

The Great Wall is one of the world’s best-known manmade wonders, stretching across China’s northern border at 5,500 miles long and drawing more than 10 million visitors each year. A symbol of Chinese culture and tradition, many visit this incredible monument to raise money for charity.

The history of the Great Wall stretches back 2,000 years to China’s Warring States Period when different geopolitical factions were fighting each other over various geographic matters. When Qin Shi Huang united China under one empire, he ordered that walls be constructed as boundaries to mark his new empire’s borders; these were linked together using preexisting walls from different states to form one continuous wall; subsequent dynasties added features like watchtowers to strengthen it against nomadic tribes from the north.

Estimates suggest that over one million people died building the Great Wall. Archaeologists have unearthed remains from many victims, many of them children; these may have been killed by invaders, forced labor or part of punishment for crimes; in any event, some family members of those who passed would often walk the length of it holding a rooster to release their souls. The Great Wall also became known as Earth’s longest cemetery as grieving relatives would use this as a means to pay their respects by walking behind it or leaving flowers as tokens for grieving family members looking after loved ones left behind.

The Great Wall is protected by the government, with laws in place prohibiting people from removing bricks or parts from its structure for personal gain. Unfortunately, however, weather damage and human interference remain threats – almost 30 percent of its original structure has vanished over time.

The Bailong Elevator

Bailong Elevator can be found at Zhangjiajie National Forest Park in Wulingyuan Scenic Area of Hunan province, China and is widely considered the highest and fastest outdoor elevator worldwide. At 326 meters (1,070 feet), this three-car elevator clings tightly against mountain sides allowing visitors to travel up in under two minutes! So tall is this attraction that it was recognized in Guinness Book of Records for being double-decker sightseeing elevator.

Building the elevator was not without controversy, however, as some local experts and scholars opposed its creation on grounds that it would harm the natural surroundings of the area. They called for its closure shortly after its opening but it reopened a few months later as one of the country’s top attractions!

Tourists looking to ride the elevator must purchase a round trip ticket in order to gain entry. As tickets may become harder to come by during peak seasons, it may be beneficial to arrive early when there will be shorter lines.

Wear comfortable shoes as the ride can be bumpy and rough. Visitors are advised to stand near windows in order to gain maximum appreciation of the scenery – however those afraid of heights should avoid this practice!

Though many were opposed to its construction, this massive elevator has actually proved beneficial by helping reduce traffic levels and protecting natural environments from wear and tear.

The Yangtze River

China is one of the world’s largest countries and home to one of its most diverse populations. Due to this diversity, they possess many different customs, traditions, and beliefs among its citizens; for instance the color black is usually associated with mourning while white represents good luck in China.

The Yangtze River is an essential economic and cultural lifeline of China. As Asia’s longest river, its middle and lower reaches drain an area larger than Western Europe while in its upper reaches it passes through some of China’s roughest terrain via steep gorges with vertical walls funnelling its flow.

Once the river enters Hubei province it becomes much wider as it draws water from multiple tributaries, including Lake Poyang in China’s north which provides it with freshwater. From there it flows east through Qinghai before making a turn southward into Yunnan through a deep valley.

Upper reaches of the river flow directly parallel to both Mekong and Salween rivers, passing through passes so steep they leave no room for roads or paths, with villages scattered high above the riverbanks.

The river passes through three major gorges. Qutang, the shortest, is known for its steep walls and narrow passageways, while Wu is longer and features almost vertical cliffs. Finally, Xiling stands out as being the deepest corridor with peaks rising 2,000 feet above its waters; once impassible for large vessels until trackers were employed to haul ropes behind vessels using drum beats of differing rhythms to navigate these treacherous waters.

The Three-Kid Policy

China had long enforced a one-child policy on married couples; then in 2016, it eased it and allowed couples to have two children. Now, its government has announced that families may now have three children, in an attempt to stem China’s rapid population aging trend. This change will bring significant relief to many families while helping improve working women’s work-life balance; currently if caught having three children they face fines and civil servants may even risk losing their jobs as punishment.

Chinese women face difficulty working full-time due to childcare demands and cost concerns associated with educating and caring for aging parents, which makes them reluctant to have more than one child even when financially feasible. This makes Chinese families wary about expanding their family size beyond two children.

China holds the world record for having the most UNESCO World Heritage sites – 55 to be exact – which surpasses Italy which comes in second with 48 sites.

Chinese demographers believe that to address this issue effectively, China may implement additional social and economic policies in tandem with allowing more people to have children over time, according to Du Peng, an expert on population studies. Such changes would help slow the current decline in birthrates while not completely reversing them, said Peng. Support may be increased for childcare and education services as well as raising retirement age further afield.

The Olympic Games

The Olympic Games are the world’s premier sports competitions, drawing top athletes from around the world. Every four years, thousands of competitors travel to one host country from across the globe in order to participate in their chosen sport at this global sporting event. Swimming, gymnastics and track and field are just a few disciplines featured; those finishing within the top three in any given event receive gold, silver or bronze medals respectively.

Modern Olympic history dates back to 1896 when Baron Pierre de Coubertin revived the ancient Greek Games by designing a five-ring symbol and outlining rules limiting events and banning athletes who were non-Greeks or slaves, along with mandating that athletes arrive at Olympia at least a month early for training purposes.

Over time, the Olympic Games have grown into an international spectacle featuring numerous new sports. Now spanning five continents and lasting more than 100 years, only three times has this global celebration been cancelled: due to two World Wars and an American-led boycott against Soviet invasion of Afghanistan at Moscow Olympics of 1980.

The Olympic Games are the highest-profile sporting events on earth and winning one is considered an incredible feat of athletic accomplishment. They also serve as an important symbol of globalized sport and allow nations to showcase their cultural values through sponsorship of competitions they sponsor. Furthermore, the Games can serve as a powerful political tool: many prominent leaders like Alexander the Great of Macedon and Roman Emperor Nero participated in them, even minting coins after taking part!

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