Top 5 Cool Facts About China

cool things about china

China is an amazing nation filled with exciting activities to experience and see. So to help get you excited for your visit to this incredible nation, here are some amazing facts about this magical land!

Chinese people are widely recognized as incredibly intelligent individuals, often being known for their medical, mathematical and architectural prowess.

1. It’s the largest country in the world

If you have ever looked at a map, China is certainly one of the largest countries on earth; yet it can be hard to comprehend its size. There is much to discover here as well!

China stands out among nations by boasting thousands of rivers! This fact alone makes China stand out.

China boasts the world’s highest population with an astounding total population of 1.4 billion! That equates to 18% of humanity!

This population constitutes over 10 times that of the United States which only accounts for 4.2%.

Not to mention all of China’s claims but non-control of territories like Hong Kong and Macau!

The United States on the other hand boasts Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa and a few smaller islands – but these don’t add up to being comparable with a massive land mass?

When comparing countries’ sizes, using actual area instead of maps will provide more accurate measurements and help make an informed decision about which country is the largest!

2. It’s got thousands of rivers

China boasts thousands of rivers that wind their way across its terrain, flowing either directly into the sea or dissipating into lakes and deserts.

The Yangtze River is the third-largest in the world and supplies water, transportation and sustenance for almost one third of humanity. Its 700,000-square mile basin supports industries and agriculture which together contribute 40% of national GDP.

Yet the immense river is being threatened by pollution, overuse and drought. Dams have been constructed, flooding has increased and fish populations have seen dramatic decreases.

World Economic Forum estimates in its 2015 report that global water shortages will become the single greatest environmental threat over the coming decade, particularly in China, where industrialization and pollution have polluted much of its drinking water supplies. If this threat goes unchecked, then the consequences could be disastrous for its future development.

China has undertaken an aggressive campaign to “conquer nature”, leading to hundreds of dams being constructed across its vast territory in an effort to generate power, reduce flooding, provide irrigation water and drinking water, as well as generate irrigation power.

But its long-term impacts are becoming more evident. China is making strides to wean itself off coal and fossil fuels while simultaneously protecting its rivers – but to do this successfully requires an alliance.

3. It’s got some really cool creatures

China is home to many legendary creatures which have become staples in its culture, such as Sun Wukong the Monkey King and Chang’e (Chang E), both beloved goddesses of the moon. Both characters are well known around the world and remain symbols of Chinese identity.

Chinese culture also features other lesser-known mythical creatures that play an essential role in its heritage, some of them quite amazing indeed!

Visit Guilin’s Seven Star Park in northeast China and you may see Tibetan macaques that live amongst its mountains – not commonly found elsewhere, yet they represent one of the largest species of primates worldwide!

Clouded leopards are another truly fascinating species; they’re capable of hanging upside-down from trees using only their paws! Unfortunately, their population in the wild is under threat and could soon disappear altogether.

Leopards are not only adept climbers; they are also accomplished swimmers and hunters. Additionally, these intelligent animals possess keen senses for keeping an eye out on everything that is going on within their territory.

Other interesting figures from Chinese mythology include the dragon Long/Long (long), Chinese unicorn Qi Lin (qilin), and Monkey King Sun Wu Kong. Another powerful spirit in Chinese culture, Fox Fairy Hu Li Jing can transform itself into human form when hungry!

4. It’s got a one-child policy

China is home to over 1.3 billion people. It boasts an extraordinary array of languages; Ethnologue currently lists 302 living dialects – 276 are indigenous – making China one of the world’s most linguistically diverse countries.

China’s Communist Party implemented a family planning program in 1980 with the aim of decreasing population growth to below 1.2 billion by the end of this century. Through social and financial incentives as well as disincentives for larger families, they aimed to achieve this goal.

China’s controversial one-child policy has caused much division within their population, leading to severe gender imbalance and leading to cases of selective abortion and female infanticide.

Since the policy’s implementation, birth rates have experienced a marked decrease. Experts believe this decline may be caused by various factors.

China’s economy has experienced rapid expansion at an unsustainable rate relative to population, leading to more young people graduating and finding employment, with delayed marriages and birth rates due to improvements in education standards and income levels resulting from one-child policies implemented prior. China may never return to previous levels of high birthrates.

5. It’s got a lot of languages

Chinese is one of the world’s most diverse languages, boasting over 302 varieties. Standard Mandarin is the most prevalent dialect spoken throughout China; however, other dialects may also be found at local restaurants or markets.

China has many distinct regional languages that have developed separately over its long history, due to its vast geography and long history.

China has experienced multiple dynasties throughout history. Conflict between different groups and famine pushed people from region to region, leading to numerous language variants emerging – from Hakka spoken in central China to Wu in the east. Today these languages still thrive across China’s regions.

Shanghainese language is an assortment of dialects spoken primarily around Shanghai in eastern China. Over time, this language has grown increasingly significant as Shanghai established itself as an important metropolitan center.

Guangdonghua (commonly referred to as Yan Dong Hua), Yue Yin and Cantonese are among the more widely spoken dialects within mainland China, belonging to the Sinitic family of languages belonging to Sino-Tibetan origin. All these differ significantly from Standard Mandarin spoken in Beijing that serves as the lingua franca of mainland China.

6. It’s got a lot of specialties

China is famed for its wide-ranging cuisine. Comprised of five distinct regions, 56 ethnic groups and 26 provinces, China offers an infinitely variable culinary culture which reflects all these individual influences on one table.

Chinese cuisine is beloved around the globe, yet few dishes compare with its depth and complexity. From Beijing’s world-famous Peking duck to Szechuan pepper and Hunan dishes that combine spice with heat, there are few foods like this you’ll find elsewhere.

One of the great aspects of Chinese cuisine is that each region boasts their own specialities, like Shanghai being famous for steamed crab.

City specialties include delicious treats such as Jian Bing Guozi (Jian Bing Guo Zi), small steamed pastries filled with crispy bread sticks. Also worth trying are Goubuli dumplings or giant baozi.

Each region boasts its own signature vegetables. Based on differences in soil conditions and climate conditions, certain crops may be better suited for certain regions than others.

Experience all of the flavors Chinese cuisine has to offer by sampling as many dishes as possible. Visit various restaurants and sample unique regional specialties; you’ll be amazed at just how much flavor can fit into a small package!

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