Weird Facts About the Human Body
Human anatomy is truly astounding and has inspired science fiction and movies alike.
Here are some fascinating facts about the human body: Your liver can regenerate itself, as it contains enough tissue that can be cut up and reassembled into another organ. Earwax actually represents sweat!
1. The human heart beats about 100,000 times a day
The heart is an extraordinary organ. It beats approximately 100,000 times daily to pump blood throughout our bodies and provides enough energy for driving a truck 20 miles. No wonder then that one of the first organs to develop in babies – we can hear its beat as early as four weeks! – is its heart!
Human hearts are roughly the size and weight of a closed fist and weigh only 11 ounces, yet pump 2,000 gallons of blood daily with each beat, reaching out into over 2.6 million blood vessels. As muscular pumps, hearts contain two chambers: Atria (upper receiving chambers for returning venous blood) and Ventricles. Atria act as upper receiving chambers while Ventricles send deoxygenated blood out via the pulmonary and aortic arteries before pumping it back through these channels into brain, lungs, other organs where oxygen accumulates while waste products are removed before going back into circulation again for another round of beating from which its return through again back into its atria chambers for further beating!
Each heartbeat begins when the sinus node, a small group of cells located at the centre of your heart, releases a tiny electrical impulse. This causes all cells in the atria to contract almost simultaneously before mitral and tricuspid valves open to allow blood to move into ventricles while another set of valves called aortic and pulmonic close again to prevent backflow back up into atria.
At rest, a person’s heart rate depends on several factors such as age, activity level and emotional state. While little babies typically have low heart rates that remain constant over time, an active teenager might experience higher pulse rates. When in extreme pain or an infection arises, however, an emergency physician might use a stethoscope to listen in on what the heart may be telling him or her.
2. The human brain weighs about 3 pounds
The human brain is the most intricate organ in the body. Even doctors and scientists don’t fully comprehend its inner workings – however they do know some interesting details about its functions.
1. Our brain is comprised of billions of neurons, or nerve cells. These nerves connect through synapses to one another and together produce all of our thoughts, memories and actions – ranging from thoughts and memories to actions we experience every day. Additionally, neurons can transmit data at speeds up to 250 miles per hour – faster than Formula 1 cars can!
2. Our brains contain approximately 80% water, so drinking plenty of fluids is vital to its health and preventing symptoms such as headaches caused by dehydration. In addition, research indicates that our minds store vast amounts of information (up to one petabyte, or quadrillion bytes – equivalent to approximately the whole internet!).
3. Your brain is at the core of your nervous system. It regulates all aspects of bodily functioning such as blood pressure regulation and breathing regulation. As such, its importance has led to comparisons to clocks, switchboards, computers and even television sets; yet its complexity far outstrips these devices.
4. Though our brains are an essential component of the body, they do not experience pain. In fact, the brain is actually larger than our hearts and consumes 20% of our energy while using 20% of oxygen and receiving 20% of blood flow throughout our system.
Stress is also known to wreak havoc on our brains. Studies have demonstrated that long-term exposure can kill brain cells and lead to depression, anxiety, and other psychological disorders.
3. The human body has 2.5 million sweat pores
Average humans contain 2.5 million sweat pores that lead to the surface of their skin and glands that secrete salty fluid called perspiration that helps regulate body temperature as well as remove toxins from our systems.
Each sweat gland produces approximately one liter of sweat daily – enough to fill five hundred bathtubs! Pores on these glands are approximately pinhead sized, connected by thousands of ducts to connect each gland. There are two main categories of sweat glands found within humans: eccrine and apocrine glands which produce sweat across their bodies while hairy areas such as armpits or genital areas contain apocrine glands for added hairiness.
Our tongue is covered in sweat glands and taste buds, so that we can detect whether something tastes good or bad! Additionally, the tongue can produce up to 40,000 liters of spit each year – enough for five hundred bathtubs!
There are numerous fascinating facts about the human body. For instance, its heart can pump a cup of blood 70 times every minute, and it can even increase in volume depending on our cells’ needs. Our eyes can detect objects 2.5 light years away while brain tissue accounts for 75% of body weight – growing threefold during our first year on earth! Furthermore, lung heat production can generate enough heat within 30 minutes to boil half-gallon of water! It truly makes up one fascinating living organism!
4. The human body is made up of 206 bones
Human anatomy is truly amazing and contains numerous aspects that amaze us, from microscopic molecules to cosmic galaxies. But you might be surprised to know that you body contains 206 bones – the human skeleton serves as the framework that holds everything together while providing movement. There are two main parts: your axial (head, neck, back and chest bones), as well as appendicular bones found throughout arms legs and feet – that make up this framework.
Infants are born with approximately 300 bones; however, as their cartilage ossifies and their bones fuse together over time, this number drops down to around 206 by adulthood. Most bone loss occurs during childhood but may continue into early adulthood.
To promote bone health, regular exercise, a nutritious diet and adequate levels of various hormones must be performed. Bones also store minerals which play an essential role in creating blood cells.
One interesting fact about human bones is that each foot has 26 bones – 14% of all the total number in our bodies! Additionally, 33 joints connect them, as well as many muscles, tendons and ligaments – making each foot very complex indeed! You can learn more interesting facts about them here.
5. The human body is made up of about 50-100 trillion cells
Scientists have never attempted to count every cell in a human body due to its vastness, but have nonetheless estimated its population using simple math and by comparing an average cell to total weight a typical human being has on earth – this gives a rough estimate of 50-100 trillion cells.
Our bodies contain many different kinds of cells, including fat cells, bone cells, muscle cells and red blood cells. Each type serves an essential purpose in human health and function.
Red blood cells play an integral part of the circulatory system that transports oxygen throughout the body, transporting blood, nutrients, oxygen and carbon dioxide between organs.
Human red blood cells contain the largest molecule found in our bodies: Chromosome 1. Our genes encode this DNA, providing our bodies with all of its instructions necessary for functioning properly. Without its existence, humanity would no longer exist!
Humans shed 200 million skin cells each hour and these dead cells either get recycled into creating new skin cells or are absorbed into our bloodstreams. On an average day, our hearts beat 100,000 times while lung exchange around 20 gallons of air every minute!
Earwax is actually a type of sweat produced by our bodies; our bodies contain 2.5 million sweat pores. Babies take three months to develop full-length fingers. Scientists estimate that our brain contains over 86 billion neurons connected by trillions of connections.