
What Does a Cheetah Eat?

Cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus), like other wild animals, must fight for survival. Cheetahs hunt by sight from high points such as termite mounds or kopjes (small rocky hills). Predators feed on various antelope species, including Thomson’s gazelle and Grant’s gazelle as well as hares and birds. When encountering people, attacks will only occur out of self-defense. […]

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What Does a Spacecraft Engineer Do?

Aerospace engineers design and test aircraft, spacecraft, satellites and missiles according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In addition, they may oversee manufacturing of these products and systems. Astronautical engineers design and construct spacecraft, the vehicles astronauts use to explore what remains mostly uncharted areas of space. This work can be both challenging and rewarding.

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What Eats a Ladybug?

Ladybugs are beautiful insects to have around our gardens. Not only do they keep pesky insects at bay, they help our plants flourish by eating away at harmful aphids that would otherwise spread disease and disrupt growth. An interesting fact about them is their immunity to their own toxins! They will eat anything soft enough

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What Does Sea Turtle Eat?

Each sea turtle species has a specific diet depending on its habitat and available food sources, with different-shaped jaws to efficiently consume their favorite dishes. Green sea turtles feature finely serrated beaks to scrape algae off rocks and feed on seagrasses; hatchlings of these turtles are omnivorous. Hawksbills feature bird-like beaks for accessing cracks in

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What Is a Spacecraft IMU?

An IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) is a sensor that measures body-frame acceleration and angular rate measurements. IMUs are often integrated into Inertial Navigation Systems (INSs) used to track spacecraft position. IMU sensors can experience both static and dynamic errors that could impede performance. Attitude As the spacecraft rotates in orbit, its attitude must be determined.

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