What Happened to the Earth in Saturn’s Early Days?

Saturn boasts several large and small moons, the largest being Titan, which is slightly bigger than Mercury and offers researchers insights into Earth’s early formation. Astronomers have known since the 1980s that Saturn’s iconic rings are gradually dissolving, though no exact timeline or rate were available to them. The Rings Astronomers have long noted the…

What Is a Spacecraft?

Spacecraft are vehicles designed to travel and operate in outer space. Other names for them are satellite, shuttle, rocket and spaceship. Spacecraft need launch vehicles to get them into space. Once they escape Earth’s gravity, they may either orbit the Moon or continue towards other planets in our solar system. Space probe Space probes are…

Spacecraft Definition – What is a Spacecraft?

Spacecraft are vehicles designed to travel beyond Earth’s atmosphere and explore space, such as other planets or orbits, before returning home again. Spacecraft may be either manned or unmanned. Propulsion usually comes in the form of rocket engines which use hot gases ejected out in opposite directions to change their trajectory. Definition Spacecraft refers to…

Mexico Facts – What Makes Mexico So Fascinating?

People often associate Mexico with mariachi bands, tequila, tacos and stunning beaches – which are all valid associations – but there’s much more to this country than meets the eye. Mexico is an incredible Latin country boasting everything from the world’s largest pyramid to its smallest volcano! Here are 10 astonishing facts about this diverse…

What is a Spacecraft Bus?

Spacecraft buses or satellite platforms form the core of satellites, handling essential functions like power, propulsion, communication and attitude control. The Webb telescope’s Spacecraft Bus was an octagonal structure constructed to house its engineering subsystems. Powered by software commands sent from Earth via radio signals, its main purpose was to perform multiple functions for operations…

What Spacecraft Visited Mercury?

After Mariner 10, it took until 2004 for another spacecraft to orbit Mercury: the MESSENGER mission (MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry and Ranging). MESSENGER successfully completed an exhaustive map of Mercury’s surface as well as confirmed water ice in polar craters. Europe and Japan’s joint BepiColombo probe is gearing up for its seven-year journey to…

What is Greece Known For?

Greece is widely acknowledged for being one of the sunniest countries in Europe and for its white and blue buildings, feta cheese production, ancient history and as the place where democracy first emerged. Greece boasts an abundance of archaeological sites and museums that are recognized by UNESCO, while its art has inspired generations of European…