Interesting Facts About Ancient Rome

ancient rome interesting facts

Many are unaware of Rome being founded by twin brothers nursed by a she-wolf; these twin brothers were known as Romulus and Remus and it’s thought they established it on where it’s believed they abandoned each other.

Romans constructed large roofed structures without forests of pillars, as well as impressive bridges and aqueducts. Additionally, they were the first people to adopt Christianity as their official state religion.

Rome was founded by twin brothers

The ancient Romans were an extremely successful people. They conquistaded vast areas of Europe and northern Africa, built roads and aqueducts across them both, spread Latin far and wide as their language, created an elaborate political system and were respected worldwide due to their social and cultural institutions.

Legend holds that Rome was founded by twin brothers Romulus and Remus, born to Rhea Silvia and Mars. Worried that Romulus and Remus might rise up and challenge his throne one day, King Amulius ordered that they be drowned in the Tiber River – however their basket ended up at what is now Rome where it was taken in by She-Wolf who provided them with milk before shepherd Faustulus came along and saved them – whereupon they went on to become herdsmen themselves before founding Rome themselves.

As well as being skilled warriors, Remus and Romulus were also skilled politicians. Together they decided to use augury (examining birds) to decide where the city should be built; Remus wanted Remus wanted Aventine Hill while Romulus wanted Palatine. Therefore they decided to consult the gods on which hill should they build on.

At first, they ruled over only small areas on the peninsula; but eventually they became known as Romans and would come to dominate all of it. Romans were very prosperous people with a rich culture that included theatre performances, sports competitions, hunting for wild animal hunts, art appreciation and poetry writing.

Romans made careful records of important events in their lives, keeping a written calendar, religious holidays and laws calendar, legal case texts and texts from some significant legal cases. Historians then took these records as the basis for Roman history but often embellished it with patriotic or face-saving interpretations of truth; sometimes adding entirely new facts; this led to exaggerations, suppression and invention in Roman history which makes identifying exact dates hard; however by studying these documents we can gain much insight into ancient Roman culture.

It was a democracy

Ancient Romans did not possess modern notions of democracy. However, their system of checks and balances allowed many citizens (male only) to participate in government. This political structure began following Tarquinius Superbus or Tarquin the Proud’s overthrow in 510 BCE; Rome then adopted Greek culture through Aeneas’ heroic story as told by poet Virgil and adopted his epic poem about founding of Rome as part of their foundational history.

Voting was done differently than it is today: rather than casting ballots as individuals, Roman citizens were organized into centuries based on wealth. Each century had one vote in the Assembly and a majority vote from one century was required for any legislation to pass; as such, votes cast by wealthy centuries counted more than those cast by poor ones; making the Assembly appear more democratic but not necessarily reflecting public sentiment.

Other assemblies represented various groups in society, such as slaves and women. Since these assemblies could veto any proposal put before them, the Assembly was not entirely representative democracy; nonetheless, its approval was required in order to pass laws or hold public trials.

Another key body was the Senate, a remnant of old monarchy that served as the most powerful body in Rome’s Republic. Senators were unpaid and elected for life with only advisory power; they also maintained strong class consciousness and had strong honor codes; according to historian Polybius’ account of it all, an unfavorable consultum (opinion) by one senator would often doom any proposed law in Assembly.

After the revolution, several additional institutions were introduced that made Rome less of an oligarchy and more of a democracy. Plebeians no longer faced prison for debt; magistrate’s decisions could now be appealed, and eventually even allowed to marry patricians and become consuls.

Citizens were kept up-to-date with current events through the display of news in the forum. This included events from Senate debates, people’s assemblies, court trials, executions, marine and military affairs marriages and obituaries as well as important edicts from either senate or emperor displayed prominently around homes or public buildings.

It was a great city

Rome, in its ancient glory, was an amazing city. The influence it still exerts can still be felt today in terms of our language: Capitoline Hill was home to major gods which inspired “capitol,” while Palatine Hill, where emperors built palaces, gave us “palace.” Additionally, this great city was known for its aqueducts which allowed people to live in large roofed structures without numerous columns while having access to clean water supplies.

But as Rome began to experience significant population decline after its peak, inflation and food shortages became serious issues for Romans. Mortality rates among women and children rose significantly due to inflation or infection–even something as simple as stomachache could prove fatal. Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus and Gaius Sempronius Gracchus attempted to address these problems by advocating the return of small farmers while subsidizing grain supplies for the poor; these attempts ultimately failed in solving Rome’s social woes.

Rome maintained its dominance of Mediterranean affairs despite numerous difficulties until it fell in 5th century AD, due to a series of disasters such as an epidemic and construction of Aurelian Wall which cut trade off from Rome and prevented access. Rome eventually fell prey to Germanic tribes before dissolving into Byzantine Empire.

Rome’s success resulted from its combination of military power, political flexibility and economic expansion. This success changed not only the Mediterranean world but also Rome itself; new institutions were developed such as provincial government to run their empire; while culture underwent transformation due to external influences; as well as physically changing the city with booty from invaders or immigrants arriving as booty or immigrants themselves.

By the first century BC, Rome had grown rapidly across much of Italy’s peninsula. To accommodate their expansion, Roman leaders needed an army. Therefore they kidnapped Sabine women as recruits; temples and theatres were constructed and funded through tribute or booty payments paid with tribute or booty; all changes helping impose Roman culture across their empire.

It was a great empire

Roman families were highly valued; fathers taught their children reading and arithmetic while also emphasizing qualities such as virtue and dignitas (dignity). Girls learned household management while men were expected to lead in politics. Wealthy Romans owned slaves that helped with various tasks around town houses or country villas; these slaves could become free by buying their freedom or marrying a rich individual.

The Romans were legendary explorers and conquerors, expanding their empire throughout Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East. They constructed roads and aqueducts as they spread Latin across their empire. Additionally, Romans engaged in warfare for both peacekeeping purposes as well as expansion.

Under Antoninus Pius (138-161), peace and prosperity had returned, but under Marcus Aurelius (161-180), Rome became embroiled in war against Parthia, Armenia, and Germanic tribes from the north – leading to crippling debt burdens and contributing to religious decline.

Diocletian’s (270-275) turbulent reign was marked by religious intolerance and increasing unrest within his empire. To restore order to it, he attempted to bring stability by abrogating hereditary succession in favor of Commodus – his 19-year-old son – as his successor and also created new political offices for plebeians and eliminated legislation having to be approved by patrician senators before being considered by plebeian councils.

Romans loved entertainment, with chariot racing being their favorite form. The Circus Maximus stadium could hold 250,000 spectators for each race day at this large-scale stadium in ancient Rome. Romans enjoyed watching races as much as other forms of entertainment such as theater.

Starting around 1st century BCE, Romans were avid followers of current affairs, and from that period forward displayed news in public forums such as Senate debates, people’s assemblies, court trials, executions and marine and military news as well as weddings and obituaries – this could include painting walls with news of these happenings or engraving important messages into stone for everyone to view.

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