Domestic rabbits still retain many characteristics that resemble those found in wild species; their perspective remains very much that of prey animals.
As an expression of affection and excitement, they lick each other and humans alike as a sign. Additionally, when happy they “binky,” which involves leaping and twisting in the air!
As their nails and teeth keep expanding, their guardians must regularly trim and monitor them so they do not become overgrown and painful.
They’re Crepuscular
Rabbits may have long ears, big front teeth and are known for running very quickly; but they’re much more than cute bunnies! Rabbits require socialization to remain happy, healthy and well-behaved. Potty training, supervision when outside and their home needs to be bunny-proofed are essential in order to keep them happy, healthy and well behaved – otherwise their sharp front teeth could get caught on electrical wires, houseplants or furniture!
One of the most fascinating facts about rabbits is their remarkable sense of smell. Scientists have revealed that rabbits use their front teeth to taste air around them – just like Gordon Ramsay would! Rabbits sniff constantly and sometimes lick each other or humans as a sign of affection or stress relief (it could even help break free from predatory grip!). They lick each other as well when stressed (an effective strategy against being hunted).
Rabbits are fascinating creatures with 360-degree vision. With eyes situated on both sides of their heads, their vision can take in everything going on around them including potential predators approaching from behind. When feeling threatened or afraid, rabbits thump their hind legs or make noise to warn other rabbits of potential danger; conversely when relaxed or calmed down they lie flat with ears facing forwards.
As for raising their young, female rabbits create nests known as forms in shallow recesses of the earth and conceal it with grass, leaves or twigs before placing their eggs within them before covering them up with more soil and providing enough care until their offspring can manage on their own.
Many people buy rabbits as starter pets or Easter presents without realizing the amount of care and attention required for them to thrive and be healthy. Rabbits require potty training, constant supervision while outdoors or indoors and they will seek to sharpen their claws on electrical wires, houseplants and furniture! If their guardians aren’t careful they could try sharpening them on electrical wiring or furniture!
They Smell With Their Mouths
Contrary to popular culture’s portrayal, rabbits are not the cute carrot-munching Easter bunnies we often imagine them to be. Instead, these smart creatures have sophisticated tunnel systems, can weigh 20+ pounds, and even consume their own waste! Understanding all this information about these amazing animals allows us to treat them as intelligent beings they truly are.
While it may be tempting to stroke your pet rabbit to calm them, doing so could actually backfire and be quite detrimental. Rabbits are sensitive creatures and this act could make them feel anxious in spite of being around a loving owner. Stroking their back legs puts pressure on their spine, forcing the rabbit into something called the ‘loaf position’ – this position resembles that of when they’re sick or in pain and they sit with squinted eyes, tightened facial features, and an hunched body.
Instead of petting them directly with their front feet or head, try massaging their front feet or head as this will provide exercise while also mentally stimulating them. This will help them relax as well as providing mental stimulation.
As part of the best care for your rabbit, it is also wise to walk them on a leash rather than leaving them free in your garden. Rabbits are prey animals with natural instincts to flee from potential predators – this means letting your rabbit wander freely is dangerous; using a lead helps your pet remain within sight of you and prevent them from running into any hazards such as fences.
Rabbits possess an incredibly useful sense of direction. When in unfamiliar terrain, rabbits use cues from the sun, magnetic field and landmarks to orient themselves and find their way home – something which comes in particularly handy!
Rabbits also possess remarkable hearing capabilities! Not only can they detect sounds from far away, but their ears are sensitive to sounds indicating potential danger and this enables them to detect predators and hunters as part of their survival strategy. When feeling threatened they often twitch their ears to focus in on certain sounds more directly – this twitch typically increases when threatened.
They’re Not Nocturnal
Contrary to popular opinion, rabbits aren’t simply the adorable carrot-munching creatures often depicted in pop culture. Rabbits are capable of digging intricate tunnels, reaching over 20 pounds in weight and even eating their own waste! Additionally, these fascinating animals possess an impressive vocabulary as well as being capable of communicating via body language with other rabbits – read on to gain more insights!
Many people mistakenly assume that rabbits are nocturnal animals due to their preference for being active at night, however this is false; rabbits are in fact crepuscular; this means they’re most active during sunset and sunrise twilight hours when predators are less visible and temperatures are cooler for the rabbit. Plus they use their long ears and lateral-facing eyes to detect danger – their vision reaches its peak during these hours!
As is true with many animals, rabbits’ behavior can best be understood through watching them in their natural environments. When excited, rabbits will jump around and twist in the air in a dance known as binkying; this shows their guardians they are happy and showing that they want more food or drink. Additionally, when hungry or thirsty they’ll drink water or consume food.
Rabbits are highly hygienic animals that regularly lick themselves to stay clean, from grooming their fur to eating with gusto in order to lick themselves while doing so. Rabbits also tend to avoid hairballs more effectively than cats; since rabbits cannot vomit like cats can they must digest any foreign objects they swallow through eating plenty of roughage which helps push it through their digestive systems more quickly.
Another fascinating fact about rabbits is that they can thump! Rabbits use this sound to mark their territory, signal other rabbits they feel threatened or excited, let you know when they need something, signal hunger or boredom, express excitement when seeing rabbit-themed movies or shows, warn potential predators off, and more! However, keep in mind that rabbits can be very delicate animals so only be handled responsibly adult.
They Eat Their Own Poop
Coprophagy may sound disgusting, but rabbits actually consume their own waste! This practice, commonly referred to as coprophagy, is completely normal and healthy for rabbits as their metabolism causes their food digestion process to happen quickly, not providing them with all of the essential vitamins and minerals they require for health reasons. As part of their natural digestive process rabbits produce soft black pellets called cecotropes in their excrement which contain essential vitamins and minerals necessary for their wellbeing – so rabbits consume these feces to gain these essential vitamins and minerals as part of keeping their digestive systems functioning optimally!
If you own a pet bunny, chances are you have observed them double over and seemingly “cleaning their bottom” by chewing something that could only be poop. No worries though – rabbits do this as part of their natural biological function! It should actually come as no surprise!
As is likely apparent, eating your own poop is no easy feat for any animal – let alone rabbits! However, it’s essential to remember that rabbits don’t do this out of habit or disgustingness; rather they do it because it provides their bodies with essential nutrition from their waste products and is necessary for their wellbeing.
If you are thinking about adopting a rabbit as a pet, be aware that they require more work than cats and dogs. They need to be potty trained, their home needs to be rabbit-proofed to keep dangerous objects such as razor-sharp objects out of reach, fed on a regular schedule with enough space to roam, jump, jump some more, explore etc. Furthermore, rabbits can easily become stressed out and require lots of physical stimulation or else they’ll start chewing things as an outlet for their energy!