Mars Planet in Bengali Astrology

Mars symbolizes the military forces, police forces, soldiers and fire arms. Additionally, fire arms represent all inflammable products, land property, red articles such as surgeons or people dealing with metals like iron and steel.

Positive effects include courage, enthusiasm, activity and youth confidence while negative ones include egotism, anger and selfish behavior.


Mars, with its fiery nature and hot temperatures, represents courage, confidence and leadership. It elevates animal instinct in humans while at times inducing short-temperedness, impulsiveness or insensitivity. Mars rules over thighs, legs arms scrotum bladder taste uterus as it represents warriorship and wars.

People with strong Mars in their charts typically exhibit muscular bodies, sharp intellects and aggressive personalities. They may possess quick tempers but can be extremely effective at fighting for what is right; often excelling at stock market trading; sportsmen; they enjoy adventure travel; however there can also be an tendency towards overindulgence in alcohol and food.

A person with Mars in their first House tends to be highly energetic and goal-oriented in everything he or she undertakes, striving for success in everything they undertake. Acting solely upon himself without much regard for others’ opinions. Usually courageous and fearless as well, making him an exceptional leader who can take up any challenge head on.

Vedic astrology recognizes Mars as Mangal or Kuja and considers him to be a masculine planet, exalted in Capricorn but debilitated in Cancer, with a 7 year Vimshottari Mahadasha period dominated by copper as its metal, as an indication of its fiery disposition and short, red hued appearance indicative of physical appearance and temperament. Tamsik planet, it rules over 4th, 5th, and 9th houses respectively in your chart.

Mars rules over professions such as police, army and armed forces as well as trader of iron and steel, kitchen appliances, boilers and steam engines as well as dealers of corals, rubies and red articles. Furthermore it acts as the protector for weapons like swords rifles and guns as well as being associated with criminal acts such as robbery murder terrorism as well as foreign travels and voyages.


Mars can bring courage, gallantry and action. It supports leadership roles by organizing events. Additionally, strong Mars energy gives physical strength and stamina, adventuresome natures who love daring deeds as well as military, police, paramilitary or army careers. People with strong Mars energy in their chart tend to be short-tempered with quick tempers who enjoy making statements or winning arguments quickly; aspiration and drive drive them toward achieving success in whatever endeavors they undertake.

However, when Mars is weak in your chart it can bring about aggressive and destructive tendencies such as inability to focus, decreased energy/stamina levels, excessive aggression, self-destructive tendencies, aggressive headstrong behavior, self-destructive tendencies, excessive aggression, self-destructive impulses, headstrong actions that go against rules & norms, jealously vain behaviour resulting in severe unfeelingness & quarrelsome actions; furthermore it can create relationship issues at work and personal levels as well as financial losses due to lack of budgeting, litigations & loans resulting in financial losses; additionally it may lead to health concerns such as blood pressure issues, heart and kidney issues, inflammations muscle weakness fever headache rheumatism etc resulting in health concerns of this nature as well as health issues like high blood pressure vs heart vs kidney issues vs kidney problems etc; leading to health issues such as blood pressure problems vs kidney problems vs inflammations muscular weakness fever headache rheumatism etc resulting in health issues like high blood pressure problems due to litigations or loans being taken out.

Mars in conjunction with the Moon can result in mental depression and certain phobias, relationship difficulties for males and financial losses or problems between siblings for females, an impatient desire for immediate results and frustration at slow progress.

Mars can bring health, wealth and children issues when placed in any of its three houses from the lagna or their respective lord. Additionally, it may create confusion within families as well as difficulty with friends; cause mental stress, depression and emotional imbalance; contribute to addictions or sexual disorders; increase risk-taking behavior which could prove dangerous; lead to arguments between siblings as well as parents; cause arguments between brothers/sisters which result in quarrels between siblings/parents as well as desire to live alone – depending on which dasha it occurs within these 3 houses from its lagna/lord’s lagna/lord’s house bhukti/dasha it appears within. The severity of such effects will depend upon which dasha(es/dashas it falls within.


Mars, the fiery planet, represents courage and confidence. It inspires one to be competitive and strive for success in all endeavours, which may be either positive or negative depending on its placement in one’s chart. Mars serves as the karaka of brothers and cousins and controls bone marrow, haemoglobin levels, spinal cord health, real estate investments and agriculture practices; additionally it regulates police forces, military services, factories dealing in red articles such as corals, rubies or guns and professions such as policemen chemists dentists doctors dentists soldiers or hunters with this energy being responsible. Robbery or dacoit are denoted by Mars; denoted also.

Every planet in one’s birth chart can have both positive and negative repercussions for an individual depending on their karma, making it essential to follow a path with ethical practices in life. Worshipping Lord Hanuman as he is considered the overlord of Mars can bring blessings for an auspicious Mars sign while drinking Aloe Vera juice or walking barefoot on grass are effective ways of disarming negative energies of an underperforming or troubled Mars sign.

Mars placed in any of the first, fourth, seventh or eighth houses can lead to financial problems. To alleviate this situation, it is advised that gold or copper ornaments, masoor dal, red cloths and batasha be donated as gifts for poor people in need. Donating blood regularly is another excellent remedy. Also frequent temple visits with Gayatri Mantra recitation may help neutralise its negative influence.

An insignificant Mars located in either the sixth or eighth house will create friction in relations between brother and sister. To eliminate these issues, the native should offer sugar to banyan trees or give sweets to women in his/her family, visit temples to offer ghee, purchase and wear red coral gemstones to neutralise Mars’ malefic energies, or consult an expert before doing any of this.


Mars, as the planet of energy and passion, stands for war, anger and assertiveness. People associated with this planet tend to possess fiery temperaments and tend to be fierce competitors; driven by ambition to succeed. Impulsive decisions often constitute their way of living life.

Mars can have an energetic influence that leads to adventures, independence and generosity in its natives. When Mars is positive in a chart it creates individuals who are adventuresome, independent and generous; exercising free will and undertaking large projects without hesitation or fear; possessing courage yet capable of controlling anger when necessary. These natives enjoy competing to reach new heights in their careers – this makes Mars positive an excellent indicator for successful living!

Mars in the 10th house can give people courage and strength to stand up for what they believe in, enjoy adventure, and relish being at the centre of a fight – qualities often associated with heroes, explorers, or warriors. However, when placed in malefic positions it can create Manglik Dosh which interferes with marital life.

Strong Mars can help individuals secure promotions at work and become leaders among their groups, as they complete tasks within deadlines. Conversely, weak Mars may result in blood-related diseases or stomach issues for its carriers.

Mars is widely recognized in business circles for bringing wealth through mining and metals, property ownership and real estate ownership, agriculture/livestock wealth accumulation, goal setting motivation of friends/colleagues etc. When placed in the 11th house it can bring good luck in this regard.

Mars in Libras make passionate and sensual partners who don’t shy away from speaking their minds; these can also be quite sexual in bed! Additionally, they tend to prefer visually pleasing settings for romantic encounters; they can sometimes even become quite competitive between each other as well. To combat negative effects associated with Mars, wear red coral on Tuesdays while reciting Hanuman Chalisa for best results.

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