Fun Fact About China

China boasts some of the world’s richest history and culture. Renowned for their inventions such as paper, gunpowder and the compass; over 600 Emperors have graced China throughout its long history.

Although most people assume fortune cookies originated in China, their true origin lies elsewhere – specifically San Francisco. Chinese are multi-religious individuals and practice various ideologies such as Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism.

1. China has the largest army in the world

According to a recent study conducted by Statista, China possesses the world’s largest army. The People’s Liberation Army, or PLA, boasts an active military personnel count of more than two million; this encompasses infantry units, navy personnel, air force troops and rocket forces. Furthermore, China has developed several advanced weapon technologies which make their army one of the world’s most potent militaries.

Although much of the world is experiencing one of its most peaceful periods, unforeseen conflicts and an increase in security concerns has many nations amassing formidable military forces – with some of the more populous nations possessing some of the biggest armies.

Chinese government leaders frequently make comparisons between themselves and Western brands in order to gain trust from international investors. Huawei dubbed itself as “John Lewis of China” when advertising 5G technology. This move shows how China is moving more liberally with their economy while seeking to establish itself as an important international player.

However, while China is taking steps to bolster its international standing, some experts note that it has much further to go in order to compete with Western powers. Major impediments to its military advancement include not having as many aircraft carriers and having an under-developed missile program.

China is making strides to modernize its armed forces as well. It boasts an arsenal of 60 submarines and 50 large surface combatants; furthermore, several dozen smaller vessels exist as well as development projects for more advanced weapon systems. As well, they boast an expansive network of surveillance and intelligence satellites. Furthermore, the country is setting up bases overseas – such as Djibouti – in order to safeguard shipping lanes against pirate attacks. China’s military development is well-planned and follows an effective plan, leading to greater power and influence both globally and regionally. Some experts speculate that its militaries could become one of the dominant superpowers over time. Military power plays a central role in meeting any country’s strategic goals.

2. China has the largest mall in the world

China is an enormous builder. In fact, they are the world’s top mall developer with their New South China Mall in Dongguan occupying roughly twice as much leasable space than the Mall of America – featuring themes from Hollywood and Paris with giant replicas of Arc de Triomphe replicas and canals featuring gondola rides – to name just two examples of their ambitious construction activities.

However, despite all its lavishness, the mall has failed to attract many shoppers since opening in 2005. Only about 10% of stores were occupied during 2005 – leading it to become known as “Ghost Mall”; today it stands almost empty.

Failure of a mall shows that even luxurious structures can fail if they do not attract enough customers. In this instance, this lack of footfall was due to both price points and because many Chinese consumers do not have enough disposable income to shop at luxury malls.

However, it should also be acknowledged that malls in China tend to be funded through risky deals financed with speculative capital. Developers use family connections to secure loans from state bankers at exorbitant interest rates, and project costs often go over budget. Furthermore, malls often contain an assortment of high-end and cheap brands that do not appeal to Chinese shoppers, leading them quickly become outdated and lose popularity over time.

3. China has the largest pig population in the world

Pork is a staple in Chinese diet and consumes more per capita than any other country worldwide. Since 1970 when China liberalized agriculture practices, pork production has skyrocketed as it became a more regular source of nourishment within China’s borders – in 2018, alone China consumed 55.2 million metric tons.

Demand for pork has spurred the establishment of massive pig farms across the country. One such example is Ezhou vertical pig farm in Hubei where 26-stories-high concrete tower houses hundreds of pigs fed via conveyor belts from an adjacent meat processing plant.

Studies conducted by the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP) reveal that an average Chinese citizen consumes over twice as much pork annually compared to what Americans consume, suggesting its demand has led to industrialized hog farms growing out of smaller backyard operations.

China’s growing middle class has contributed significantly to increased pork consumption. As a result, they have established the world’s largest pork industry, impacting global markets as the Chinese demand continues to expand. By 2022 it is projected that they will produce over 93 million tons – this number exceeds combined production from second and third leading producers EU and US combined!

Taiwan has also emerged as a leading exporter of pork to countries worldwide. In 2018, Taiwan exported 23 million tons of pork – more than double what Japan and South Korea exported combined!

Due to African swine fever’s outbreak in China, its domestic pig population has seen a drastic decrease. An estimated 225 million pigs were either killed or culled due to this disease alone in 2018 and China no longer ranks first when it comes to pork production.

4. China has the largest railway system in the world

Foreign visitors to China today often remark with delight and amazement at the country’s extensive network of high-speed railway lines, built only over the past decade or so and covering an unprecedented expanse. Seen as an example of its economic power and rapid modernization as well as technological prowess.

China’s rail system covers approximately 74,200 km – more than three times greater than any network in Europe! This extensive system encompasses both north-south and east-west routes, enabling it to cover over 70% of its population.

Most of China’s railway system is owned and managed by state-owned or government-controlled companies; others may operate as joint ventures with private firms. Oversight is provided by the National Railway Administration with seven oversight bureaus located in Shenyang, Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Chengdu Wuhan and Xian; these in turn manage 1,700 passenger stations nationwide.

China’s engineers have quickly amassed an impressive talent in building trains over, under and through any terrain encountered. From Harbin in the far north to Pearl River Delta megalopolis to Lanzhou-Urumqi line crossing Gobi Desert; China’s railways are fast and safe compared with any others around the world.

As a result, bullet train journeys have increasingly become the preferred form of long distance travel. According to surveys conducted on some of the busiest lines, over half of passengers on these trains generate new trips that otherwise wouldn’t happen without fast trains; not only is this good for the economy; it helps spread investment and technology from richer areas into poorer ones as well.

But rapid expansion of high-speed rail networks hasn’t come without challenges. First and foremost is cost; state-owned China Railway Corporation currently owes over 4trn yuan, or around 6% of GDP, as a result. As a result, they rely heavily on loans from Chinese banks while decreasing construction projects.

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