Fun Fact About Albert Einstein

fun fact about albert einstein

Urban legend holds that Einstein failed math as a child but became an outstanding scientist; the reality, however, is quite different – he excelled both mathematical and physicochemical disciplines and became known for both.

He studied physics and mathematics at Zurich’s Polytechnic Academy, publishing four groundbreaking articles. Additionally, he advocated pacifism and civil rights legislation.

1. He never wore socks

Albert Einstein may be best known for his theory of relativity, but there are other interesting facts about the famous scientist which might come as a shock. One such surprising fact: He never wore socks! In fact, in a letter written to Elsa after their engagement he described how socks caused irritation to his feet and therefore were unwearable for him. Furthermore he prefered sandals over shoes with laces; something which contributed to poor health later in life. Additionally he smoked heavily contributing to poor overall health throughout life.

Albert was an outstanding student in maths, physics and philosophy as a teenager. Disliking grammar school’s strict discipline, he left at age 15. But his education didn’t end there! Just 16 years old – inspired by his compass’ movement of magnets within it – he published his first scholarly paper that discussed them. This marked a life-long love affair that would eventually lead him towards relativity and gravity theories.

Albert loved sailing for its peace and quiet, providing time to reflect. Unfortunately, he wasn’t always great at it: often losing his way or tipping over. Additionally, not learning how to swim until his 30s made him less than confident when venturing out on trips!

Albert Einstein was also well-known as a pacifist. He eschewed joining the military because he believed war to be unnecessary and immoral, giving away his Nobel Prize money for pacifist causes instead. Additionally, he enjoyed smoking his pipe daily to help focus his mind while working; it helped him keep working efficiently until his final days.

2. He never learned to swim

Albert Einstein was not taught how to swim, although he loved sailing. Although he would often take his boat out onto lakes to relax and think, his skills in doing so weren’t very adept – often flipping his vessel and needing rescue from fellow sailors!

Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany into a Jewish family. Although his grandmother initially thought he was stupid, Einstein soon demonstrated otherwise by excelling at math and science. He taught himself Euclidean geometry and algebra quickly before going on to create his own proof for Pythagorean theorem. Later in 1905 he published four groundbreaking papers that introduced E=mc2 as his famous equation.

Einstein found his first professional position upon graduating university: patent clerk. This menial position allowed him to focus most of his time writing and conducting research, yet limited his funds for grooming or clothing needs – prompting him to stop brushing his hair and forgoing barbers, giving rise to his signature unruly mop that became his signature look.

Einstein was also a prominent civil rights activist who spoke out against racism on numerous occasions. He opposed war and was acutely aware of injustices taking place around him; so much so, that he paid tuition fees for one black student! Being such an intelligent individual, Einstein understood just how vital fighting racism was – popularizing its definition with his famous quote, “Racism isn’t really about race at all; rather it is caused by mental attitudes”. Such genius could fight so effectively for such an important cause!

3. He invented a refrigerator

Albert Einstein may be best-known for revealing the laws of nature, but he was also an outstanding innovator. He co-designed a refrigerator based on compressed gas principles, and is considered responsible for developing photoelectric cells, lasers, nuclear power generation facilities, fiber optic networks, and semiconductor devices.

Einstein was forced into taking violin lessons by his mother at five, yet initially disliked them until hearing Mozart’s music as a teenager. From that point forward, however, music served as an outlet and helped keep his batteries charged up.

Einstein didn’t let his mundane patent office job deter him from pursuing his passion for physics; in fact, working at the Swiss patent office for seven years provided plenty of time for developing theories.

Albert Einstein was known to experiment with his ideas by visualizing them in his mind – an approach used by many scientists. Because of this approach, some refer to him as the “thinking man’s scientist.” Einstein made significant advancements with his theory of relativity which explained how various objects and events influence each other.

Einstein had a smaller than average brain, yet his parietal lobes were 15% wider, an attribute linked to mathematical ability and spatial awareness that enabled him to clearly visualize things and develop unique scientific thought processes. Smoking pipe helped keep him relaxed and objective during debates; his frequent use was said to give him calmness. Baby Lieserl disappeared soon after birth from historical records; echolalia was another feature.

4. He was a late talker

Ein of the more intriguing facts about Albert Einstein is his inability to clearly communicate his ideas. To communicate them more efficiently, he would write them out on paper before drawing pictures as an explanation – this was done out of concern that his mouth wasn’t adequate to say the words himself! Additionally, his communication difficulties meant he avoided speaking at public events in favor of giving lectures privately.

Einstein was known for being a fiercely independent individual, yet also having many softer sides. He championed civil rights and was especially concerned about injustice – something which was especially evident during his time spent fighting anti-Semitism and war during Germany’s turbulent time period.

Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879, in Ulm, Wurttemberg, Germany with a misshapen head and being very overweight as an infant. His grandmother became concerned and requested that their father visit a physician who advised against any worries regarding Einstein’s health; upon seeing the physician, however, all concerns were dismissed and it was noted that Albert was perfectly healthy and not to worry.

Einstein had very few friends as a child and often suffered from illness. He disliked grammar school’s strict discipline and left at age 15. Einstein excelled in maths, physics, philosophy and history but struggled in subjects like languages and history. At 16 he wrote his first scholarly essay addressing magnetism force.

Einstein had an unparalleled way of thinking and produced some fascinating theories. His theory of relativity revolutionized our view of reality while helping develop technologies like x-rays and nuclear bombs. A truly intriguing man with an eccentric sense of humor who greatly appreciated music.

5. He was a smoker

One of the more fascinating Albert Einstein facts is his habitual smoking. He would often puff on his pipe throughout the day and pick up used cigarettes from around him so as to keep his pipe full. Reportedly he would also smoke during important meetings to calm his nerves.

Einstein was an exceptional intellectual who came up with several groundbreaking theories, such as Relativity Theory. Additionally, he was also a notable activist who opposed war and racism – as an anti-Semite living through Germany’s period of intense anti-Semitism, Einstein knew of discrimination against minorities first-hand and spoke out against it regularly; even endorsing a campaign supporting Scottsboro Boys — nine African American teenagers unjustly accused of murder and sentenced to life imprisonment!

At 15, Einstein left grammar school due to its strict discipline, yet still excelled at mathematics, science, philosophy and music. He would play violin or piano to relax as well as compose original improvised pieces to spur his creative energy. Einstein was so adept at geometry and algebra that he was capable of solving complex problems without teacher guidance – not long afterwards he published his first scientific paper!

Einstein’s marriage to Mileva Maric was turbulent. He is said to have provided her with a list of rules she was to abide by, such as serving him three meals daily and keeping his room organized. Furthermore, he asked that she promise not to kiss him publicly and transferred most of his 1921 Nobel Prize money directly to her – yet the two eventually divorced despite these regulations.

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