Fun and Weird Science Facts About the Human Body
Your body is an incredible wonderland. Here are some surprising and fascinating human body facts!
Your body is composed of tiny quantum particles known as atoms that behave strangely; each has an orbital pattern similar to a solar system with an electron orbiting around its core nucleus and electrons zipping along behind.
The human skeleton, composed of our hands, feet and head bones, is one of the most impressive structures in our bodies. It performs numerous essential tasks – supporting us, protecting vital organs from injury and helping us move freely – but its function goes well beyond simply supporting us physically. Bones are active living tissues constantly remodeling themselves made up of calcium phosphate sodium carbonate (CPC) as well as an essential mineral called marrow.
Like other body cells, bones can also develop tumors. A bone tumor is believed to be the oldest human cancer ever identified as it can become damaged when injured and chemicals released during an injury come in contact with it.
Although certain bones are stronger than others, all our bones can fracture when we experience sudden trauma. The longest bone in our bodies is the femur (pronounced: fah-mur), running from your hip to knee. On the other end is our inner ear’s stapes (pronounced stirrup), responsible for translating sound waves into vibrations our brain can comprehend.
Reaching your hand around the center of your back, feeling its bumps can help you discover your skeleton. Your spine runs from head to pelvis and is composed of 33 small vertebrae that allow it to bend and twist while protecting the spinal cord that runs through its center. Other interesting facts about human bodies include babies can see color by five months old and that ear wax is actually just another form of sweat; we humans also boast 2.5 million sweat pores per body as well as farting enough each day to fill a party balloon!
Blood is a fluid that transports oxygen and nutrients throughout the body while simultaneously flushing away waste products. It consists of blood cells suspended in plasma – an aqueous solution of protein, salts, fats and glucose (glucose). Blood transports these substances via its circulatory system of vessels connected to heart; while additionally hormones and chemicals regulate certain functions. Red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets make up its main constituent cells.
Your body produces billions of new blood cells every day to replace old ones without even realizing it; this process is known as “cellular turnover”. On average, we replace approximately 330 billion cells every day!
Your body contains approximately five litres of blood, and the human heart pumps it about 70-72 times in one minute (60 seconds). Each time it beats, about 5 litres are sent through heart valves into your lungs for oxygen absorption before returning through pulmonary veins to left side of heart via blood vessels to supply pure blood to rest of body.
Your blood is made up of red blood cells which deliver oxygen to body tissues while carrying back carbon dioxide to your lungs for exhalation. White blood cells fight infections and control bleeding; its bright red hue comes from millions of iron-containing haemoglobin proteins binding with oxygen molecules; in addition, lymph and plasma also make up part of its make-up. On average, we all possess approximately 206 bones; most can be found in hands and feet.
There are approximately 640 muscles in your body, and they help you move around. Muscles are composed of elastic tissue with thousands or tens of thousands of fibers connected by elastic tubing that are controlled by nerve impulses to stretch or contract, respectively. When stretched, fibers become longer than when at rest; when pulled against themselves by nerve impulses this causes contraction that causes isometric contractions to happen and shorten or tighten muscles back down to their rest length causing isometric contractions to happen causing tightening rather than lengthening or stretching again causing them to shorten or shorten further tightening of muscle fibers in terms of length vs its rest length causing contraction or shortening or tightening known as isometric contractions.
Your body consists of three main categories of muscles. Skeletal muscles connect directly to bones, helping you move around. Smooth muscles can be found inside organs like the stomach and intestines, while cardiac muscles help pump blood.
Some fun facts about muscles: – Your eyes contain some of the fastest muscles in your body; extraocular muscles in both eyes can flick in unison in about 50 milliseconds!
– Bones are held together with long, fibrous straps of tissue known as ligaments (pronounced LIG-uh-mentz). Additionally, joints may be joined by flexible rubbery materials called cartilage that provides cushioning inside joints (such as in a knee joint), or connects one bone to another ( like between anklebone and heelbone). Muscles connect to bones via thick, strong connective bands known as tendons (pronounced TEND-uhs), with Achilles tendon being the largest one connecting the calf muscle to heel bone. Tough foot tendons also help support weight when walking or running. – Muscles connect directly with bones through thick bands of connective tissue called tendons – while muscles connect directly via thick bands known as tendon (pronounced TEND-uhs). TENS and TENS will support weight when walking or running.
Science is full of incredible marvels, from the fundamental building blocks that form our universe to our complex bodies. Although it might be common knowledge that humans have 206 bones or that people shed 22 kilograms of skin over their lives, there’s so much more we need to learn about our bodies!
Consider, for example, our heart. This organ, approximately the size of your fist, serves as the hub of our circulatory system – an intricate web of arteries, veins and capillaries that transport blood throughout our bodies – providing oxygen and nutrients to every cell and returning carbon dioxide back to our lungs for exhalation.
The heart is an indispensable organ, and its efficiency cannot be understated. Blood can travel from our hearts to other parts of our bodies within 60 seconds; and this process continues even if separated from its host; provided there is an adequate supply of oxygen.
Spiders and annelid worms possess simple hearts; more complex ones found in fishes and mammals have receiving chambers (atria) and pumping chambers (ventricles), known as atrium and ventricle respectively. Fishes and mammals use ventricles as receiving chambers (atria). Their heart provides all of the oxygen their cells require until death – it begins beating just four weeks post conception and never stops until death comes knocking. We hear its sound through our ears as it beats as well as feeling it in our chest when our bodies register it through our bodies as it pulses.
The brain is one of the most complex organs in our bodies, controlling everything from movement and senses to emotions and memory. It communicates with other parts of your body through your nervous system – an intricate network that transports electrochemical signals – which no computer could match; no matter its weight; no computer could ever come close to matching what ours can do! At approximately three pounds with firm jelly-like consistency, your brain consumes around 20% of energy, oxygen and blood consumed by all organs combined!
Your brain is divided into two hemispheres that each perform specific types of thinking. Your left hemisphere handles analytical thought while your right side handles creative ideas; scientists estimate that humans produce approximately 70,000 thoughts every day!
The cerebrum comprises 85% of brain weight. As its control center, the cerebrum facilitates everyday tasks related to movement, senses, temperature regulation, judgment and learning.
Your eyes and brain work together to form images and perceive the world. While the lens in your eyeball flips images upside-down, your brain corrects them later. Your brain also sends signals to facial muscles so they blink or smile at appropriate moments.
Your brain is an amazingly complex machine, capable of accomplishing multiple tasks at the same time. It has faster processing speeds than any supercomputer and its storage capacity is equivalent to that of the entire Internet! Furthermore, our minds process information hundreds of millions of times each second! Furthermore, they act as our center of consciousness, shaping our personalities, sports skills, and morals – these incredible organs form the core of consciousness as well as shaping who we are as individuals and creating their guiding values and ethics.