What is Made of Plastic?

Plastics can be divided into various classes according to the chemical process used during their creation and their physical properties, including their colour, clarity and flexibility. Naphtha is decomposed thermally in a steam cracker to produce light hydrocarbons known as major intermediaries such as olefins and aromatics that will then be fed into a factory…

The Computer Power That Made the Apollo Mission Possible

No doubt modern smartphones are far more powerful than the computers used on Apollo missions, yet such comparisons underplay the amazing technology employed by NASA during these missions to get us there. MIT-designed Apollo Guidance Computer was crashproof, operating according to a hierarchical system which allocated energy based on program importance; this allowed energy distribution…

The Venera Series of Spacecraft Made It To Venus

Before recently, Venus was considered a low priority planet to explore; however, the discovery of phosphine on Venus has reignited interest in this hellish realm. Ancients believed Venus had an environment similar to Earth with jungle-like foliage and carbonated oceans, but radio observations of brightness temperatures suggested otherwise – suggesting its surface must have been…