Facts About the Coral Reef
Coral reefs provide shelter and sustenance to millions of marine organisms, from small organisms like planktonic algae to more complex organisms like human beings. They form in shallow ocean waters near the equator and thrive best when warm waters with clear visibility are available. Corals feed off of tiny algae known as Zooxanthellae living within their tissues that give their hue and photosynthesize the energy necessary for photosynthesis.
Corals belong to the Cnidaria phylum of animals and closely related to jellyfish and sea anemones. As sessile organisms, corals attach themselves to ocean floors with thin plates of skeleton.
The Red Sea is home to the largest coral reefs in the world
The Red Sea boasts a diverse marine ecosystem that features over 250km of coastal fringing reefs that boast unique topographies such as swim troughs and tunnel systems, providing shelter to an estimated 1000 fish species, of which 10% only reside within its waters.
Coral reefs are large marine ecosystems composed of thousands of tiny marine invertebrate animals known as polyps. These marine invertebrates use hard exoskeletons to protect themselves, and corals are sessile, meaning that they stay in one spot permanently. Polyps grow slowly into three-dimensional structures composed of branches and crevices which provide food and shelter to other organisms such as fishes, sponges, or molluscs.
Coral reefs are incredible fragile habitats. Though only covering 0.1% of ocean floor space, coral reefs provide habitat to 25% of known marine life and have often been referred to as “rainforests of the sea”. Their primary services are protecting shore erosion, stabilizing temperatures, providing shelter and refuge for marine creatures as well as being an invaluable source of revenue for local communities through tourism.
The Red Sea’s unique characteristics make it an ideal environment for corals. Its waters are relatively warmer compared to other bodies of water, while upwelling prevents temperatures from plummeting too far below acceptable thresholds. Furthermore, its reefs provide habitat for both hard and soft coral species alike.
Red Sea reefs are among the best protected coral ecosystems worldwide and have thus been able to withstand climate change’s devastating effect. Scientists are working on breeding coral species which can better withstand warmer waters while increasing growth rates.
Coral reefs are essential components of Earth’s oceanic ecosystems. In contrast to terrestrial plants, corals possess unique abilities to store carbon dioxide and absorb nutrients from water sources – unlike terrestrial vegetation which needs sunlight and raindrops for photosynthesis. Furthermore, corals play an integral part of global ecology by providing homes for various marine animals; yet many coral reefs around the world may now be disappearing due to human activities.
They are resistant to high temperatures and infection
Coral reefs are biologically diverse ecosystems, home to over 25% of marine species. These stunning marine environments serve as food and habitat sources for many marine creatures such as fish, crustaceans and invertebrates as well as providing filtration capabilities that remove impurities from water supplies. Coral reefs also serve as natural storm barriers and sea level rise protection, not to mention serving as economic resources by drawing tourists for tourism fishing and recreation – an investment which produces millions of dollars each year!
These extraordinary ecosystems feature an intricate mix of hard and soft corals, algae, fish species, sponges, and other marine life. Coral reefs are one of the world’s most biodiverse ecosystems – rivaling even tropical rainforests – but remain threatened due to human activities and climate change.
Scientists are working to develop coral strains that are more tolerant of high temperatures. They’re studying its genetics as a means of understanding why some species have greater heat tolerance than others. Natural selection, which works on a population level, may select for genes that enable corals to withstand extreme conditions more effectively – this process may take multiple generations but is an invaluable way to combat climate change.
Corals can adjust to high temperature changes by acclimating. This process occurs when corals are exposed to low-level thermal stress, making them more tolerant of high levels of stress later. Over time, these corals become fully adjusted to their new environment.
Corals live in harmony with microscopic algae known as zooxanthellae that reside within their tissues, providing most of the primary source of nutrition and giving the coral its vibrant colors. When this relationship becomes disturbed, its main source of nourishment, known as zooxanthellae algae, leave their hosts and cause bleaching; leaving behind no source of nutrition and making these corals more susceptible to diseases than ever.
Most stony corals are broadcast spawners and fertilization takes place externally (external fertilization). When fertilized, their eggs and sperm clump together in bundles that float towards the surface of water, providing fertilized eggs that have already begun their journey towards being released by their host coral. Other coral species known as brooders fertilize internally while reproducing asexually, increasing genetic diversity while opening up opportunities to establish new colonies further away.
They are a vital part of the food chain
Coral reefs are complex ecosystems, supporting 25% of all marine life in the oceans. Made up of thousands of tiny organisms called polyps secreting calcium carbonate for coral’s signature shape; while zooxanthellae algae reside within these polyps and give coral its signature colors; all together these organisms contribute significantly to ocean food chains and support many forms of life.
Coral reefs form an effective system by cooperating with zooxanthellae to exchange nutrients efficiently between each organism, making coral reefs an invaluable food source for fish, mollusks, crustaceans and birds. Furthermore, they act as natural barriers against erosion as they stabilize sea beds by helping prevent large sections from shifting away.
Coral reef ecosystems are integral components of human existence, providing us with fish and shellfish products we consume daily. Coral reefs also play an integral part in supporting over 500 million people globally through economic benefits they bring.
Coral reefs possess the unique capability to improve water quality through their natural filtration systems, employing tiny sieves in their coral skeleton to filter harmful particles out of the water and adapting quickly to changes in temperature and salinity. Their filters play a critical role in protecting other organisms in their ecosystem from harm.
Coral reefs are essential components of our food chain; however, they can be vulnerable to environmental changes. Hot water temperatures may lead to the dissolution of the symbiotic relationship between coral and zooxanthellae which leads to bleaching and death of polyps.
Coral reefs are known for their ability to regenerate, but this process is slow and easily affected by environmental factors, making protection of these ecosystems crucial. Pollution and climate change must not threaten these fragile environments!
Coral reefs provide shelter to an impressive diversity of marine life, from fish and invertebrates to plants. As one of the Earth’s most varied ecosystems, they require our help in order to survive – but there are several strategies we can employ in order to make that possible. These range from public awareness campaigns and creating large protected areas to helping corals withstand damage caused by humans.
They are endangered
Coral reefs are intricate three-dimensional ecosystems that provide food, shelter, and breeding grounds for thousands of marine animal species worldwide. Additionally, they support billions in fisheries and tourism worldwide – but are fragile ecosystems susceptible to pollution, climate change, sedimentation, fishing activity and bleaching/disease that is rapidly degrading them.
Reef-building corals are soft-bodied organisms that secrete a limestone skeleton, living in colonies. Relating to sea anemones and other sessile invertebrates, reef corals differ by having tentacled mouths armed with stinging cells (nematocysts) that enable them to capture small organisms that swim too close. Furthermore, reef corals possess digestive and reproductive tissues for digestion, as well as differences that aid them in adapting to life on reef environments by being able to capture food such as plankton or zooplankton for food sources.
Coral reefs can be found throughout tropical waters and serve as an invaluable habitat, providing shelter from predators and storms while offering natural protection. Their beauty can even be seen from space; for instance, The Great Barrier Reef can be seen similar to its size compared to that of The Grand Canyon.
Corals cannot perform photosynthesis on their own; however, they can enlist the aid of microscopic algae known as zooxanthellae that are found inside their protective exskeleton and use sunlight to transform carbon dioxide and other gases into energy that feeds back to them as energy for photosynthesis. In exchange, these zooxanthellae also protect them from being eaten by marine life while sharing some of the products of their own photosynthesis with them.
Coral reefs are fragile creatures, easily damaged by changes in temperature and light levels, pollution, sedimentation, runoff nutrients or any other source. Pollution often leads to the discordant relationship between corals and algae being broken off due to pollution, sedimentation and runoff of nutrients causing it to leave its home, leading to color loss and reduced lifespan for this particular habitat.
The Center for Biological Diversity recently submitted a petition to the National Marine Fisheries Service seeking to list 83 coral species under the Endangered Species Act. Their petition highlighted human-caused climate change – including greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to warmer water temperatures, ocean acidification, coastal storm frequency/intensity increases, and sea level rise – as being their greatest threats.