
Cool Facts About Gorillas

Gorillas are fascinating animals with many remarkable attributes. They have four-legged walking capabilities and possess incredible intelligence; even being seen using tools! Their noseprints allow scientists to identify them. Mammals live in large social groups called troops and are polygamous. Each troop has an alpha male known as the silverback who leads and breeds with

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Fun Facts About Russia

Russia has long been shrouded in mystery. Both outsiders and insiders alike strive to comprehend it all. There’s much to know about Russia – from Eastern Europe to Northern Asia and 14 time zones! Even Laika the street dog who went into space! There’s so much more than meets the eye about this remarkable nation!

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Fun Fact About China

China is one of the oldest civilizations with a long and rich history, known for many inventions including soccer (football), kites and ice cream. China boasts numerous “ghost cities”, and when combined, its railway lines could go around the globe twice! Furthermore, they even employ trained pigeons as messengers! The Great Wall One of the

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Fun Fact About Brazil

Brazil occupies half of South America and boasts both natural marvels and vibrant cultures, from its Amazon rainforests to iconic beaches like Copacabana. Brazil truly is a land of abundance! Brasilia, Brazil’s capital city was constructed during the 1950s to promote development of its interior. One interesting fact about Brazil is that Queimada Grande island

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Facts About Planet Mars

Mars, located four planets from the Sun and with two moons, has a reddish hue similar to our Earth. Polar ice caps and geological features suggest it once supported life on this red-hued world. Astronomers studying Mars during the 17th and 18th centuries saw evidence of civilization on Mars, including canals that appeared to carry

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