Cool Facts About Egypt

Egypt is one of the oldest civilizations on Earth and its rich history has left an indelible mark on humanity. Discover more about this fascinating nation with these fun facts about egypt.

Ancient Egyptians believed that preserving their bodies would grant them immortality and allow them to meet their gods in the afterlife, hence why they mummified loved ones who passed on.

The Great Pyramid of Giza is the oldest of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World

Egypt is home to numerous ancient monuments, but one of its most iconic structures is Giza’s Great Pyramid – one of seven Wonders of the Ancient World and built as a tribute to Pharaoh Khufu in honor of him – remains standing today and continues to amaze visitors today. Constructed over two decades and employing over 100,000 workers – its majestic presence remains truly impressive today!

Early inhabitants of Egypt were hunters and gatherers. Living along the Nile, these individuals learned how to cultivate crops and raise animals before eventually developing towns and villages with impressive temples, monuments, and rulers known as Pharaohs who served both political and religious roles within society.

Pharaohs would wear crowns featuring images of the cobra goddess to represent protection from harm and lice. Furthermore, they shaved their heads to distinguish them from common people while protecting against lice infestation. Furthermore, these powerful figures would often be buried along with their wealth; some were even mummified!

Egypt boasts seven UNESCO World Heritage sites – Memphis and its Necropolis, Luxor’s Necropolis, Thebes’ Necropolis, Abu Simbel on Lake Nasser, Giza/Dahshur Pyramid Fields and Historic Cairo are just a few examples.

Pharaohs were also interested in preserving and recording history, such as Rameses II’s dedication of a temple near the Sphinx and having his son Khaemweset restore Egyptian ancient monuments – known as restoration, this was considered the first Egyptologist – among other tasks at Giza. Additionally, minerals were often used as cosmetics or perfumes by them, for instance malachite (green powder made from copper ore) was often used to color their eyes while galena powder (black powder made from lead ore galena) was made use of for facial applications while galena powder also helped give off an Old Spice aroma similar to modern Old Spice fragrances!

The country has a high literacy rate

Egypt is an expansive nation spanning northeast Africa and the Middle East. Cairo is famed for its ancient pharaonic landmarks like pyramids and Great Sphinx; while its fertile Nile River Valley hosts millennia-old tombs and temples. Additionally, several UNESCO-listed sights exist there such as Karnak Temple and Valley of Kings tombs.

Literacy was exclusively the privilege of those from higher classes or in positions of power such as scribes and priests in ancient Egypt, who held positions like scribes or priests. Only intelligent citizens could read and write.

Today, however, Egypt’s government is working hard to ensure everyone can learn to read. They have increased school enrollments and now offer primary education free through university level. They have also made it easier for people with disabilities to obtain necessary support.

Modern Egypt boasts an 87% literacy rate. Its constitution guarantees access to education for all and protects religious minorities; however, equality in education still presents challenges such as disparate experiences for male and female students.

Egypt’s flag consists of horizontally-striped red, white and black horizontal stripes with a gold hawk in the centre, symbolising oppression (black), bloody struggle (red) and a bright future (white). It resembles those used by Syria, Iraq and Yemen.

Egypt dates back to the 3rd Millennium BC. As part of the Fertile Crescent region, which encompasses parts of Turkey, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon Syria and Iran – Egypt shares its borders with Israel which it has had longstanding conflicts with.

The Great Pyramids took over 20 years to build

Ancient Egyptian pyramids were constructed as monuments to honor their sun god, believed to be an extension of heaven itself. Their shapes represented the sun as it rose each morning and their four sides aligned with cardinal directions – often covered with layers of gold or silver as symbols of wealth.

Herodotus of ancient Greece reported that building the Great Pyramid took 20 years and involved 100,000 men’s labor. Modern archaeologists believe this estimate may be off as the heaviest block weighs 2.5 tons and each block in this massive structure must be cut, transported, and assembled individually before its assembly on top of one another.

One of the mysteries surrounding pyramids is how workers were able to move such massive stones. Egyptian workers used copper tools, including chisels and drills, along with abrasive powders to cut through hard granite blocks. Furthermore, knowledge of astronomy may have been necessary in orienting pyramids toward cardinal points and moving huge blocks on sledges over slippery ground first made slippery with water.

Skeletal remains of workers have been discovered within pyramids, suggesting that they were local farmers or villagers employed by pharaohs as part of their religious beliefs for life after death. Pharaohs were seen as intermediaries between humans and gods, so everyone’s best interest lay in ensuring that souls would have successful afterlife journeys after they died.

The country has 2 main regions

Egypt is an expansive and varied nation with two main regions: the Nile Valley and Delta and Western Desert/Sinai Peninsula. Egypt’s rich history of millennia-old monuments like Giza’s colossal pyramids and Great Sphinx draw visitors from across the globe; Luxor features hieroglyph-lined Karnak Temple with Valley of Kings tombs for burials while Cairo features Ottoman landmarks as well as Egyptian Museum collections of antiquities that bring visitors from near and far alike.

The Nile River, flowing between bands of sandstone hills in the Delta and a variable low band of desert, was ancient Egypt’s main source of wealth and food, serving as irrigation to grow grain, vegetables, fruits, nuts, etc. Additionally it provided its only transportation artery.

Egypt once dominated world power and culture; it produced some of the earliest masterpieces known to civilisation. Now a democratic republic, however its military remains a significant player in politics and society.

Egyptian days tend to be warm or hot, while nights can be relatively cool depending on where they’re found in the country. Southern regions, including Sinai Peninsula, can experience heat waves influenced by an intense, dry wind known as “khamasin.”

Egypt currently comprises 27 governorates or provinces, each led by an official appointed by the president and alphabetically ordered – Alexandria, Cairo, Beheira, Aswan Damietta Fayoum Giza Ismailia Kafr El Sheikh Matruh Minya Sharqia

Egypt’s northern part is mostly desert, though there are some fertile valleys near Aswan and along the Red Sea coast that boast fertile valleys rich with aquatic resources and fish species such as catfish. Furthermore, numerous limestone mountains abound across Egypt including Saint Catharine’s Mountain Chains which feature ancient primitive paints and symbols engraved into its rocks.

The country has a unique language

Egypt is one of the oldest and most significant civilizations in history. Famous landmarks include its pyramids and Sphinx as well as an extraordinary culture that continues to amaze today.

Each country in the world has a distinct language influenced by various cultures, and locals often speak multiple dialects. Therefore, it’s essential to learn the native tongue when visiting any region so you can communicate effectively with its residents.

Egyptians were famous for their hospitality towards foreigners and liberal mindset. They are well known for being eager to assist with whatever needs may arise and are knowledgeable of their culture – giving you plenty of information about Egypt itself.

Egypt is home to many Muslims, yet Christian communities also exist and have preserved their spoken dialect. Coptic is an Ancient Egyptian dialect using the Greek alphabet that still remains spoken today in ecclesiastical settings as an alternate to Arabic.

Arabic is the national language, although regional dialects vary considerably. Saidi Arabic is most prevalent in the southern region while Egyptian Arabic predominates further north. Nubian can also be heard spoken widely while eastern desert areas host beja and Bedawi languages as well.

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