What Are the Closest Planets to Earth in Order?

Most people tend to assume Venus is closest, according to recent research; however, according to an alternative viewpoint Mercury could actually be closer. Live Science reports that most people use an inaccurate method for calculating distance between planets. Averages taken into account, while their distance can change rapidly as planets orbit each other – giving…

What is the Colour of Sky?

When we gaze upon the sky, its color usually appears blue. This hue comes from light being scattered by molecules in our atmosphere. Blue wavelengths tend to get scattered more, making them appear brighter than their longer-wavelength counterparts. Other colors may also appear differently depending on factors carried through the air such as weather or…

What Does Seahorse Eat?

Seahorses have an instinctual feeding drive which is stimulated by watching prey move frantically around. Their feeding instinct is especially strong when dealing with caprellid amphipods! Seahorses love sucking up these tasty morsels for sustenance! Giwojna (1996, Oct) states that shrimps can easily be obtained at bait shops and aquarium stores. Once acquired, they can…

What Does Starfish Eat?

Starfish are predators and feed on an assortment of marine invertebrates. Their flexible feeding strategies make the most out of whatever food may be present in their environments. Animals use their arms to capture and pry open the hard shells of clams, oysters, mussels and other shellfish before using cardiac stomachs to wrap around their…