
What Does Spacecraft Mean?

Spacecraft are vehicles designed to transport people or cargo into space using rocket propulsion. Their primary use is leaving Earth’s gravity for other planets within our Solar System; those aboard such spacecraft are known as astronauts or cosmonauts. Orbital spacecraft resemble capsules or spaceplanes in shape and function. Reusable or expendable versions exist. Each requires

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What Happens When a Spacecraft Blows Up?

Space can be an unpredictable place; we’re continually losing pieces of vehicles that exploded on-orbit or experienced violent separation during orbit. Probably the best-known example was when Challenger disintegrated shortly after launch in 1986, killing its crew due to an O-ring failure and rubber seal separation issues on its booster rockets. Debris Researchers still are

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What Happened to the Earth in Saturn’s Early Days?

Saturn boasts several large and small moons, the largest being Titan, which is slightly bigger than Mercury and offers researchers insights into Earth’s early formation. Astronomers have known since the 1980s that Saturn’s iconic rings are gradually dissolving, though no exact timeline or rate were available to them. The Rings Astronomers have long noted the

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What Is a Spacecraft?

Spacecraft are vehicles designed to travel and operate in outer space. Other names for them are satellite, shuttle, rocket and spaceship. Spacecraft need launch vehicles to get them into space. Once they escape Earth’s gravity, they may either orbit the Moon or continue towards other planets in our solar system. Space probe Space probes are

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