
Fun Fact About Gorillas

Gorillas are one of the largest primate species on Earth, and are extremely intelligent, social creatures that prioritize family relationships over individual pursuits. Unfortunately, however, they are critically endangered. TV and movie portrayals often depict them as aggressive while they are actually quite peaceful creatures. Gorillas feed on an assortment of plants, such as wild

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Facts About the Coral Reef

Coral reefs are spectacular natural structures that host an astounding variety of marine life. Constructed out of limestone skeletons built by tiny creatures known as polyps, coral reefs form large underwater formations filled with these marine wonders. Polyps are marine organisms that rely on oxygen-producing bacteria known as zooxanthellae to survive and use tentacles with

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Butterfly Kindergarten Activities – Learn About the Life Cycle of a Butterfly

Butterflies are one of the most captivating creatures in nature. Their vibrantly-hued wings fascinate children and adults alike. Make the case that butterflies undergo four stages of metamorphosis; use books such as Eric Carle’s The Very Hungry Caterpillar to show kids this process. As students work together on models that depict these steps, help students

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Fun Facts About Egypt

Egypt is one of the oldest nations on Earth and boasts an extensive cultural legacy to discover. From Great Pyramids to local football rivalries, here are some interesting facts about Egypt! Egyptians viewed cats as sacred deities. Many homes kept cats to bring good fortune. Mummies Egypt may conjure images of its desert landscapes when

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The Lifespan of a Frog

Frog lifespan can be determined by several factors, including food availability, predators and habitat quality. Wild frogs tend to live shorter lives than their captive counterparts. Frogs begin life as eggs that hatch in water, before developing into tadpoles with gills and tail. Over time they transition into amphibians with lungs but lose their tail.

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Fun Fact About Argentina

Argentina is a South American nation packed with breathtaking natural beauty and vibrant cultural aspects, bordered by five other nations and considered the second-largest in South America. Argentina is home to incredible street art! Buenos Aires in particular is famous for its extraordinary graffiti. 1. Argentina is the birthplace of the tango Tango is one

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