
Saturn Losing Rings

Saturn’s rings capture our imagination like few other natural phenomena can, yet its beauty could soon fade away faster than we anticipated. Cassini spacecraft, which orbited Saturn from 2004 to 2017, recently released data suggesting its rings are losing tons of mass each second – suggesting they may disappear before our grandchildren even take to

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Why is the Sky Blue? – A Funny Answer to a 3-5 Year Old Question

Undoubtedly, the sight of a stunning blue sky is something to marvel at; but when your 3-5 year old asks why the sky is blue, it’s essential that they receive honest responses. Our planet boasts something the moon doesn’t: air. When light passes through our atmosphere it scatters, with blue wavelengths dispersing more widely than

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Saturn Losing Rings 2022

Astronomers have long observed that Saturn’s rings appear to be raining down onto its planet in large quantities. This phenomenon occurs due to space rocks colliding with them or solar radiation slightly disturbing ring particles and electrifying them, creating the “rain.” Dust particles inevitably get pulled into Saturn’s upper atmosphere, where they burn up before

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