mars planet

Planet Temp

Mars experiences temperatures as low as -140deg C in its winters; during its summers however, temperatures can reach +20degC. Humans looking to explore Mars will have to adapt to its extreme temperatures, but finding water may prove even harder. Temperature Mars, as the fourth planet from the sun, is much colder than Earth due to

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The Red Planet

Mars, located as the fourth planet from the Sun and an Earthlike planet with two moons, features an atmosphere which is thin compared to Earth and features that resemble impact craters found on both bodies as well as valleys, deserts, and polar ice caps. Earth also experiences giant dust storms which last for months and

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The Long Martian Day

Mars is often considered Earth’s twin, sharing many similar qualities such as its long Martian days referred to as sols. Mars shares Earth’s axial tilt and spin period, giving rise to similar seasons like spring, summer, autumn and winter. However, its orbital eccentricity is larger. Daytime Mars is often referred to as Earth’s “Twin.” It

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Planet History

Mars has an unusual atmosphere and features an outer crust comprised of rocks covered by an extremely thick layer of water-ice. Mars is home to Olympus Mons, the tallest volcano in our solar system. Some astronomers have observed seasonal dark lines on Mars’s surface which might represent canals created by intelligent Martians – an idea

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