Mars, also known as the Red Planet, is the fourth planet from the sun. It was first observed with a telescope in 1610.
Due to its distance from the sun, Mars has a much colder climate than Earth. Intergalactic travellers can expect temperatures of -20degC and dust storms are common.
The Red Planet
Mars is often called the Red Planet, a name that’s been used for centuries to describe the reddish color of its surface. The redness of Mars can be attributed to iron oxide on its surface.
Many books, TV shows and movies have explored the possibilities of a colony on Mars, such as “Total Recall” (1990), “The Expanse” (2011) and the movie “The Martian” (2015). Scientists have also explored Mars’ seasons, polar ice caps, volcanoes and canyons.
While there’s no evidence that life existed on Mars, it is possible to find remnants of ancient floods that may have left traces of liquid salty water on the surface of the planet. Despite these observations, ESA is planning an international sample return mission in collaboration with NASA to collect samples stored by rovers on the surface and blasted into orbit, then handed back to Earth for analysis.
With a 24-hour front desk and modern rooms equipped with free WiFi, Hotel Red Planet operates a shared lounge in the heart of Kathmandu. The fan-cooled rooms have a flat-screen cable TV, safety deposit box and private bathrooms with shower facilities and free toiletries.
An Intergalactic Experience
A trip to Mars isn’t for the faint of heart, but you can experience the red planet from the comfort of your home with a mars planet ticket booking. The best part is, you’ll get to see it up close and personal.
The best time to visit Mars is during the opposition window – it only happens every 26 months. Be sure to book your tickets now before it’s too late.
A mars planet tour is one of the most rewarding things you can do for yourself and your family. It’s an experience you’ll never forget. You’ll feel like a true astronaut aboard the aptly named Mars Enterprise, and get an in-depth look at the Red Planet as well as its two moons Phobos and Deimos. Among the highlights of this intergalactic tour are a stargazer station, a holo-sabacc and a zero gravity lounge. If you’re looking for a martian adventure that will last a lifetime, book your trip now.
The Valles Marineris Canyons
A trip to Mars would be incomplete without a visit to its massive canyons. These rifts on the Red Planet are five times deeper than the Grand Canyon and extend across nearly a fifth of its circumference.
The Valles Marineris system is a network of large, narrow valleys that stretch more than 4000 km along the Martian equatorial region east of the Tharsis volcano. At some points, it is 125 miles wide and can reach depths of up to 6 miles.
Inside these stunning canyons, geologists discover layered deposits that are as thick as 5 km. It’s possible that the rocks formed from sedimentary processes or volcanic processes.
In some canyons, such as Candor Chasma (shown above), ledges, benches, buttes and mesas are piled deep with these layered deposits. The exact origin of these stacked layers is an ongoing mystery, and scientists are looking into several possible explanations for the canyon’s formation.
The Two Moons
The Red Planet is one of the most popular destinations for planetary scientists. It’s home to a variety of complex geological features and intriguing terrains.
Its crater-drenched surface and other impressive features make it a worthy destination for rovers and robotic spacecraft. However, what’s really interesting about Mars is its two moons, Phobos and Deimos.
Both are tiny – 17 miles across for Phobos and 9 miles for Deimos – making them among the smallest moons in the solar system. As a result, the two ramshackle sandstones have long been a source of intrigue and puzzlement for astronomers.