Are you an animal enthusiast who adores rabbits? These fun facts about them will surely put a smile on your face!
Rabbits possess dual eyes on both sides of their heads, giving them near 360-degree vision.
Rabbits are prey animals in the wild, always on guard against potential predators. Therefore, they’ll run away, hide behind cover or twitch their noses to indicate distress, and avoid petting or cuddling from humans.
1. They’re crepuscular
Rabbits are crepuscular (pronounced CREH-puhs-kul). This means that they tend to be most active at dawn and dusk – during those exciting twilight hours when the sun prepares to rise or set. Crepuscular species tend to be solitary creatures but do hunt during crepuscular times.
Wild rabbits prefer crepuscular times for feeding and hunting because it provides them with greater safety compared to full daylight or nighttime. Being crepuscular allows them to capture predators at their most vulnerable moments when foraging for sustenance in crepuscular hours.
Crepuscular animals include bats, owls, mice, deer and squirrels – but many people don’t realize that rabbits are also crepuscular, which may explain why they seem to sleep all day and be awake all night!
Domesticated bunnies — also referred to as kittens or leverets in nature — are born helpless into holes lined with their mother’s fur, where they spend only brief moments each day with them before becoming vulnerable prey for predators.
Captive rabbits require plenty of room for exercise and play – otherwise they’re bored. Rabbits need companionship, too; they like rolling around on their backs while chewing cardboard oatmeal canisters and paper towel rolls filled with Timothy hay for exercise and amusement. Your house should also be pet-proofed or the bunny could sharpen its teeth on electrical wires or your favorite houseplant, potentially becoming destructive pets if given too much freedom to roam around freely. Rabbits make great companions if given adequate care, though. Rabbits are among the top three animals adopted from shelters, behind dogs and cats. But people need to spread the message that rabbits are hardworking pets who deserve lots of space and attention so that they can live happy, healthy lives as valued family members.
2. They’re not nocturnal
Many people mistakenly assume that wild rabbits hopping about during the dark or early morning hours are nocturnal animals, yet this is not true. Being nocturnal would only exacerbate their problems in the wild as other predators like birds and cats would easily spot them; being nocturnal also reduces their escape time from predators and makes finding their burrow more challenging.
Pet bunnies tend to be crepuscular (say: cre-PUS-kew-lar), meaning that they become active just before sunrise and after sunset – which gives them protection from both diurnal predators as well as nighttime ones.
Reasons your rabbit might seem to sleep more than other pets are similar – their schedule has developed around this, as when they’re sleeping it’s because they need to hide quickly from predators or escape quickly and be rested up for dawn or dusk when they can be more active again.
Although we all recognize bunnies for their adorable long ears and big front teeth, there are so many more fascinating facts that make these furry friends truly remarkable. With February being Adopt a Rescued Rabbit Month, now is an excellent opportunity to learn more about these incredible animals – and find one for yourself! You can find adorable rabbits at Best Friends as well as local shelters or rescue groups – they may not always give a cuddle, but when happy they often give out sweet kisses!
3. They’re not rodents
Many people mistake rabbits for rodents, but they’re actually mammals belonging to the Lagomorpha order. One major distinction between them and rodents lies in their teeth – not being chisel-shaped like those seen on rodents but instead featuring tiny peg-shaped upper incisors that only become noticeable when chewing something hard; their growing upper incisors should always be kept trimmed to prevent rabbit-proofing as these grow constantly and could chew into electrical wires or houseplants easily!
Rabbits stand out from other rodents with their ability to jump. With strong hind legs that are longer than their front ones, rabbits possess the unique skill of hop. In the wild, this helps evade predators more quickly by quickly moving out of sight. Additionally, rabbits possess whiskers which allow them to sense potential threats as well as vibrations on the ground surface.
Prey animals like groundhogs have one primary goal in nature: survival. To do this successfully, they must constantly avoid predators while reproducing quickly to maintain their numbers and maintain population growth. Groundhogs do this by hiding, running or hopping away from any perceived threats; their ears also respond well to sounds even at very low frequencies which makes escaping any possible threats easier for them.
As such, bunnies don’t like being startled and are easily scared off by loud noises or sudden movements from humans, making them poor candidates for surprise or chase games and disliking being picked up – which could cause serious harm to their delicate bones and skin. Plus, bunnies don’t typically communicate when they’re experiencing discomfort so it is vital that when caring for one it is vital that subtle signs of discomfort are monitored closely as this could be an indicator of illness or injury in their delicate bodies – which makes watching for these signs vital when caring for one!
4. They’re very intelligent
Though rabbits don’t abide by humans in quite the same way as dogs do, they still display intelligence far greater than many give them credit for. Rabbits can learn to respond to their name, use litter boxes effectively and overcome obstacle courses with ease–all hallmarks of intelligence that demonstrate problem-solving capabilities.
Your cat also possesses an incredible memory, helping him recognize family members by scent and voice recognition – this allows him to build trusting relationships with human companions.
Though they might not seem affectionate at first, bunnies often enjoy being held and cuddled. However, it’s essential to observe your bunny’s body language and behaviors prior to picking them up; any time they feel threatened they’ll notify you with loud thumps on the floor or cage rattles that it is time to leave them alone.
Intelligent insects demonstrate their intelligence by being adept at escaping enclosures. Like Houdini himself, they know just how to hop over fences and locate weak points that they can exploit to escape their enclosures.
Baby rabbits are known as kits, while mature females (does) and adult males (bucks) are commonly referred to as does or bucks based on the fact that rabbits are mammalians which lay eggs and possess glands that produce milk for lactation purposes.
Rabbits are social creatures who require an ideal environment in which to thrive. Rabbits should always be kept in pairs or groups of three or more as being alone can be detrimental. Socialization opportunities and plenty of space to roam with toys provide stimulation. If you’re interested in adding one of these furry creatures into your family, check out Best Friends Adoptable Rabbits or visit your local shelter or rescue group – February is Adopt a Rescued Rabbit Month!
5. They do a binky when they’re happy
Have you ever witnessed a rabbit jump into the air, twist its body around, then quickly flick its ears back and forth as it flips its head? This behavior is known as binkying – an indication of happiness or contentment and may occur when receiving new toys or tasting their favorite treat.
While it may appear strange to those unfamiliar with pet rabbits, this behavior is perfectly natural and an excellent indicator that your bunny is content! Similar to when your cat purrs while leaning against you and making intense eye contact.
Rabbits are highly expressive creatures with numerous body language signals to express themselves and communicate. Rabbits will usually zoom around their room in circles before flopping on the ground when feeling contented – this provides adequate exercise and space to move, helping reduce their stress levels while making your rabbit feel at home in its new environment.
Wild rabbits also exhibit similar binkying behaviors to express their joy and happiness, though for different reasons: They do so to confuse potential predators such as foxes or hawks who might try to prey upon them. Their well-developed hind leg muscles allow them to run and jump quickly while their teeth continuously grow strong enough for protection from potential threats such as these predators.
Binkying may be a telltale sign that your rabbit is content, but it could also be an early indicator of health issues. Rabbits will stop binking when sick or stressed out; if this has stopped occurring recently it may be wise to visit the veterinarian. You could help your bunny live healthier by providing appropriate care and nutrition: good food, plenty of water, treats from time to time and an accommodating habitat can all make for happier bunnies!