Your Nearest Mercury Outboard Dealer

Take your boating experience to the next level with Mercury outboard engines. These robust yet reliable engines are designed for maximum maneuverability across a range of vessel sizes. Mercury Marine has been crafting world-class outboard engines since 1939 to give boaters reliable power for any waterborne activity. Each Mercury engine is engineered to be fuel…

Planets Like Mercury and Venus Are Not Considered to Be Possible Candidates for Life

Mercury and Venus, unlike most rocky planets in our Solar System, are typically not considered suitable places for life to exist; their harsh conditions make them unsuitable as candidates for life support systems. Yet engineers have created spacecraft capable of withstanding these inhospitable worlds’ harsh environment. Scientists have recently discovered that Venus’ atmosphere contains phosphine,…

What Happens When Mercury Goes Retrograde?

Every few weeks this year, astrological Mercury will appear to move retrogradely in the sky. Mercury governs communication, clear thinking and travel; when retrograded it can cause miscommunication and tech malfunctions that negatively impact daily life. As a general guideline, try not to enter into any major agreements or sign any new contracts during this…

How Mercury Looks Like

Mercury, our closest neighboring planet to our Sun, experiences extreme daytime temperatures that make its surface scorchingly hot. Craters and basins dot its surface, from small bowl-shaped cavities to multiringed impact craters hundreds of kilometers across. Craters on Mercury are surrounded by massive scarps or cliffs that soar over one mile high, as predicted by…

The Witch From Mercury – Five Differences and Five Similarities

Mercury is a real-time engagement platform that connects YouTube creators with top brands, providing tools that support subscriber, membership and Patreon supporter growth. Mercury tools include dynamic channel banners that showcase actual milestones and goals as well as descriptions featuring real-time polls, shout outs and more – tools which have revolutionized subscriber growth on YouTube…

Mercury Or Quicksilver

Mercury or quicksilver is a heavy silvery liquid metal. Due to its toxic nature, mercury has fallen out of favor with most uses nowadays; however, you may still come across it in car switches and batteries; also medical devices and paints use mercury extensively. Mercury gear lube and Quicksilver oil are two products from the…

Astrology – Mercury at 0 Degrees of a Sign

Astrologers frequently consider the final degrees of a sign to be crucial, particularly in predictive work. I disagree with this viewpoint. Horary astrologers would likely point to Margaret Thatcher’s SA Neptune at 29deg Scorpio (chart not shown) when she announced her resignation as an example of this impactful planet in its final degree. Sign of…