Author name: star planete

The Truth About the Apollo Missions to the Moon Facts

Conspiracy theorists claim that Apollo missions were faked as an effort to undermine USSR dominance in space exploration, increase Nasa funding or simply divert attention away from Vietnam War issues. Their arguments typically rely on discrepancies within photographs or videos from these missions as evidence for this assertion. Apollo 11 On July 21st 1969, Apollo […]

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The Nile River Facts

The Nile rises each summer following heavy rainfall in Ethiopia and South Sudan. This annual event confounded early Egyptians, who petitioned Hapi for assistance so that their crops would bloom that season. The Nile river passes through 10 African nations, including Egypt. Stretching from Khartoum in Sudan – where both white and blue Niles meet

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The Life Cycle of a Plant

Plants go through an evolutionary cycle known as their life cycle that ensures their survival. Germination is the first step of plant cultivation. This occurs when a seed breaks through its outer shell and begins to grow roots and leaves that allow sunlight to enter its cells and feed itself through photosynthesis, providing sustenance. Seed

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Why is the Sky Blue?

Many people mistakenly believe that the sky’s color comes from reflecting off of oceans; this may partially be true but more accurately the sky takes its blue hue from long wavelengths of light absorbed by water bodies. Water molecules absorb reds, oranges and yellows more readily while reflecting back blue wavelengths onto surfaces that then

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