Author name: star planete

30 Fun Japan Facts

Japan is an intriguing land with a vibrant culture and beautiful geography, boasting many innovative ideas such as Kawaii (cute), Karaoke, Purikura and, of course, Pokemon! Children in Japan are taught early to respect both parents and bosses, as well as to work hard and set high goals for themselves. 1. Japan is the world’s

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New Horizons Explores Pluto and Its Moons

Pluto and its moons hold many secrets that New Horizons discovered through Alice – its sensitive ultraviolet imaging spectrometer. Instruments have detected an atmospheric haze which could contain methane. Pluto Underground team has created a unique spacecraft designed to investigate this mystery. The Mission As New Horizons will pass Pluto this Wednesday, astronomers will finally

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The Plural For Spacecraft

Spacecrafts or spaceships are vehicles designed for interstellar travel. Spacecraft is often the standard plural, while you could also say spaceships. Spacecraft from Earth may take years before returning to Mars, which now appears cold, dry and potentially lifeless. Memorizing the rules governing plurals of irregular nouns must become second nature; their rules differ significantly

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Weird Looking Animals

With more than 8.7 million species of animals on Earth, it should come as no surprise that some will appear strange. From wrinkly pink naked mole rats (Heterocephalus glaber), which live underground colonies, to red-lipped batfish with its red pout and spikey snout – there are numerous strange-looking creatures out there to admire! The Gerenuk

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Spaceship Building Game

Players build their spaceship using the Ship Sheet, which contains multiple areas including Messages, Flight Check and Modules. Modules provide players with a home for their weapons, engines and grav drive. Landing gear, cargo and habs may also be added. Reactors determine a ship’s class and power. More powerful reactors generate more electricity, and can

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