Who is the Strongest Egyptian God?
Egyptian mythology boasts many powerful gods, but who is the mightiest? Ra was the sun god who would ride across the sky by day and sink his solar barge down into the underworld by night – always fighting off chaos-creating serpent Apophis!
Seth is an intricate god who killed and dismembered his brother Osiris while providing balance as Lord of Desert and Foreign Lands. He stands for chaos, destruction, trickery and storms.
Ra, the Egyptian sun god and sky deity, was one of the most potent deities. Ancient Egyptians believed he created everything in existence and every morning rose into heaven to bring light and warmth down onto Earth, before descended back down into darkness at night to fight chaos until dawn again broke. Furthermore, Ra was known as patron for life, kingship, power and more besides.
Ra was the supreme deity in Egyptian mythology and creation myths, representing all that is good and right with creation. His name can sometimes be written as Atum, Ptah or Neith but they all represent Ra with different characteristics or powers. All creation myths make reference to Ra as they often describe him with various names given him; whatever name may be given him is still powerful regardless.
His contributions include creating order out of chaos in the primeval ocean by placing an obelisk-shaped pillar that stood as an island in its waters, then spewing out Shu and Tefnut (air and moisture, respectively) before splitting Geb and Nut into gods of both land and sky; their offspring gave rise to gods such as Osiris who later gave humanity life through tears that fell from his eyes.
Bastet, a fierce and protective goddess who represented Ra as his barge passed through darkness toward paradise dawn, channeling positive energies onto it to strengthen souls on board and combating serpent god Apophis in battles between Ra and Apophis’ armies of souls on board. Her presence provided comfort to souls on board by providing strength-giving energy that channeled from earth back onto it to strengthen them further.
After his death, Ra was transformed into Hetepes-Sekhus, a cobra goddess who devoured any enemies of Osiris – hence why his crocodile-shaped foe was often depicted alongside him in Egyptian art. Additionally, Ra was revered as patron of scribes and their work and often depicted holding an anthracite ankh in one hand and an open book in the other on their laps.
Horus is not commonly thought of as being a god of war, however. Egyptians viewed him more as protector of their monarch, an embodiment of the sun embodied by his falcon-headed statues, with sword and khopesh used for offerings and for making sacrifices; known for flying and killing enemies. Horus played an especially significant role in Egypt when Osiris defeated Seth to restore order within Egypt as shown on Edfou temple walls.
Horus, like other Egyptian deities, can take many forms and transform into whatever he pleases. One particularly beloved form is as a sphinx; his primary representation features its body composed of falcons with human male heads attached. This representation has come to be known as Ra-Horakty as this form serves as the protector for both Upper and Lower Egypt which were once separate kingdoms.
Horus, or Horus Horus in other forms, is the Egyptian god of fertility and rebirth who often appears with either a crocodile, snake, or even as a human form. Additionally, Horus acts as the protector of the Pschent net which connects earth and sky; protecting this net is crucial in protecting those dead from falling into it and thus Horus is considered one of the most essential gods for Egyptians.
Horus can often be found wearing a double crown as a symbol of his rule over both Upper and Lower Egypt and his victory over Seth (one eye being sacrificed during this battle), though some accounts also credit this sacrifice with him reclaiming his rightful inheritance as King of Egypt.
One of the more iconic stories associated with Her-em-akhet is his resurrection story. Worshipped during the Fourth Dynasty at Abydos and wearing a double crown known as pschent, this Egyptian deity was seen to possessing powers to resurrect those dead who have passed. He is celebrated by Pyramid Texts who hail his power to do just that!
Set is one of the most influential gods in Egyptian mythology. He represented both chaos and destruction in addition to desert life and foreign lands. Set was known to be violent, unpredictable god who represented forces of change and chaos within Egypt’s world.
By Ramesses II’s time, however, his image had changed significantly: from being worshipped as protector and hero during predynastic times to symbolizing all things Egyptians detested such as disorder, drought, famine and destruction he became associated with the north, which symbolized cold and death heaviness; also set was bisexual which ultimately contributed to his demonization by subsequent rulers.
Set and Horus shared an intricate rivalry in Ancient Egypt that was complex enough to be told from various points of view. A common story holds that Set killed his older brother Osiris to gain the throne; Horus, as Set’s heir, attempted to restore order but his uncle Ra denied his ascension due to concerns that Horus was too young and had lived an overly-sheltered existence to become an effective ruler.
After much deliberation amongst the gods, they eventually decided to intervene by staging contests between Horus and Set. These competitions were organized by nine gods known as Ennead, with Horus emerging victorious every time; yet Ra remained unbowed.
Horus pledged his kingdom against all enemies while also vowing to fight his uncle Set in order to bring peace and justice back into Egypt. Horus did so in various forms: either defeating Set or driving him away from Egypt altogether.
By the New Kingdom, Set had fallen from favor and was seen as a demonic force, though his cult still flourished until 1 millennium BC. His followers, known as Seb, were responsible for maintaining statues dedicated to Set and his “was” scepter; unlike with many Egyptian gods however, we do not know which animal features represent Seb based on his iconography.
Nephthys is one of the key deities in ancient Egyptian mythology and was widely venerated as a powerful protector. While she may have been associated with death and funerary rites instead of life and rebirth like Isis did, Nephthys was never perceived as malevolent as these concepts were inextricably linked in Egyptian thought.
Nephthys was an indispensable companion of Pharaoh throughout both his mortal life and afterlife journey, helping him navigate through the Underworld and ascend into godhood. Like an extra mother figure, she nurtured and protected him during this transitional phase. Demons would fear her when demons appeared. Furthermore, Nephthys was closely connected with Orion constellation as well as Bennu bird; suggesting she protected both life as well as protecting its dead.
Nephthys was an important figure during the Contendings between Horus and Set, taking sides with Osiris’ family during his murder by Isis and helping her resurrect him after Isis gave birth to Horus as her son. Additionally, she served as his chief mourner, making her an authority on death rites and funerary rituals.
As with her sister, Nephthys possesses large wings which she can use to shield herself and offer powerful protection from other gods and mortals alike. However, these barriers cannot provide complete defense from gods who have already possessed her or the powers of the sun and moon.
After helping Isis revive Osiris, she assisted the goddess in keeping him safe in the Underworld. Because of this she became known as a goddess of death – often depicted on tombs or coffins along with her son Anubis – and protector of organs kept within canopic jars.
Nephthys is often considered Isis’ darker counterpart; however, this doesn’t translate to any malevolence in Egyptian mythology. She was one of Geb and Nut’s four daughters with Isis, Osiris, and Set as siblings.