7 Interesting Facts About Canada That Will Blow Your Mind

Canada, as the world’s second-largest nation, boasts some of the most unusual sights. From roadside attractions to grand hotels with quirky architectural details, here are seven shocking facts about Canada that will blow your mind!

1. Canada derives its name from an indigenous word. It comes from St Lawrence Iroquois “kanata,” meaning village or settlement.

1. It’s the world’s second largest country

Canada is a land of stunning natural beauty, friendly people and captivating culture – but it also hosts some quirky quirks that set it apart. These facts about Canada will open your eyes to its true character – from having the world’s largest moose population to an intriguing tradition involving kissing dead cod! These unique facts about this great nation will open your mind up to new ways of looking at this fantastic country!

Canada covers much of North America, sharing borders with both the USA in the south and the Arctic Ocean to the north. It boasts rugged mountains, rolling prairies, dense forests and tundra regions, as well as over 9,980 lakes dotted across its expansive terrain – not forgetting its immense natural resources – Canada accounts for 20% of global freshwater supplies!

Canada may be known for long winters and cold temperatures, yet it receives more sunshine than any other major country worldwide – making it the ideal place for year-round outdoor sports and activities.

Canada is known for its abundance of lakes, which comprise over 20% of total global freshwater supplies. Furthermore, Canada boasts the world’s longest coastline and many national parks that cover an area larger than many countries – Nahanni and Wood Buffalo covering an impressive area of over 70,000 square miles are just two such examples of Canada’s impressive ecosystem.

Canada derives its name from an indigenous word kanata, which translates to village or settlement in French. No surprise then that its people and welcoming culture make its name so welcoming!

Canada boasts amazing natural beauty that cannot be rivaled. Home to Mount Robson – the second-highest mountain in the world and beautiful beaches along both its Atlantic coast and Pacific ocean coasts; Canada also gave birth to numerous popular sports like lacrosse, hockey and 5-pin bowling; also hosting its world-famous naturally frozen skating rink when Rideau Canal freezes annually in Ottawa! Canada provides so much inspiration. It is truly unsurpassable! The list of impressive and inspiring facts about Canada could go on for days!

2. It’s home to a lot of lakes

Canada is famous for its lakes – more lakes than any other country! You’re sure to experience stunning landscapes on any trip here, thanks to these captivating bodies of water which create that iconic turquoise hue reminiscent of glacier ice transforming rock faces into “rock flour,” then reflecting light into water where they create eye-catching hues that catch people’s eyes.

Canada boasts one of the longest coastlines in the world, making it an excellent spot to take advantage of some beach time during your Canadian getaway! West Coast beaches offer some spectacular beach experiences; there are also other coastal locations with amazing attractions abound in Canada as well. And don’t forget all its islands – Canada truly is an island nation!

Canada’s coastlines boast some of the world’s strongest tidal currents. You can witness this phenomenon at Seymour Narrows in British Columbia where its currents can reach speeds of 17 km/h!

Are You Searching for Adventure in Canada? Consider Exploring the Yukon. This remote region boasts some incredible natural phenomena, including an icy lake that can drop to as cold as Mars! Temperatures here have reached as low as -63 Celsius! This lake also hosts one of Canada’s finest tourist spots – Elk Lake!

Canada is home to many fascinating things, from hockey players and parkas to maple syrup and mac and cheese. There are also lesser-known facts about Canada that may come as a surprise: did you know Santa Claus has Canadian citizenship? Each year millions of children write letters addressed to his mailing address H0H 0H0.

3. It’s the only country with a walled city

Canada may be known for its stunning landscapes, abundant wildlife and friendly citizens; however, this country also holds numerous surprises that are sure to amaze. From its world’s longest highway to unique traditions – Canada holds so much more to reveal! Grab some maple syrup and hockey stick and let’s discover its most interesting facts!

Quebec City in Canada boasts the only walled city in North America and is recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage site. Visitors can stroll along its walls to admire centuries-old structures like churches, a museum, and an old prison – which have all been carefully preserved through time.

One of the more peculiar traditions found only in Canada is “Kissing the Cod.” This custom, which originated in Newfoundland culture, involves puckering up and kissing dead codfish at local bars as a form of good luck charm and to welcome travelers.

Notable also is Canada’s high proportion of international students, due largely to the country’s welcoming immigration policies that allow individuals from around the globe to come study in Canada.

Canada is an incredibly diverse and multicultural nation, boasting an enormous population of immigrants from around the globe – something celebrated each Canada Day.

Canada stands alone as one of only two countries that celebrates its national holiday on July 1st – this date commemorates the anniversary of Confederation. Originally called Dominion Day, in 1917 this date was altered to recognize Canada’s development into an independent nation state.

CIC News offers many interesting facts about Canada for you to enjoy and discover more of this amazing nation, from its most beautiful lakes to highest donut consumer. There is so much more you can discover about this land of maple syrup and hockey sticks!

4. It’s the home of poutine

Canada may be known for its beautiful lakes, snow-covered mountains and vast national parks, but its charming cuisine and delightful traditions also give this nation its trademark playful spirit. Here are some fun facts about Canada to whet your appetite if you plan on traveling northward for an adventure that is both mind-boggling and mouthwatering!

Canada is famously associated with poutine – an indulgent treat consisting of French fries topped with cheese curds and covered in hot gravy – one of its signature street food dishes! Although its exact roots remain unclear, many believe that “poutine” might come from mixing pudding and French language for mixture/mess – apt as this dish can make quite the mess when eating!

Canada is also famous for importing its maple syrup to the US; indeed, Canada is the world’s leading exporter of this sweet substance! In fact, 71% of our maple products come from Canada! Adding sweetness to food items with maple products from Canada.

Canadians love mac and cheese, consuming more of it than any other nation worldwide. According to Heinz-Kraft estimates, Canadians consume an astounding 7 million boxes annually — that’s almost as many as the entire population of Mexico!

If you want the authentic taste, head straight for Quebec where this dish first originated and be sure to visit its historic city walls, built during the 17th century and further improved by British forces during their stay there; today they’re protected as a UNESCO World Heritage site and usually maintained well.

Canadians are known for being some of the happiest, kindest people in the world. Furthermore, their talent can be seen through many notable Canadian celebrities, including Jim Carey, Celine Dion, Keanu Reeves Michael Buble Justin Bieber and Alanis Morisette who hail from this northern land.

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