Funny Facts About Humans That Will Blow Your Mind

funny facts about humans

We all know the human body is fascinating, but did you know there are also some weird and disgusting aspects? In this article, we’ll reveal some amazing yet bizarre facts about it that will blow your mind.

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1. The human brain is made up of 60% fat

People commonly believe the brain consists of 60% fat, but this statistic is misleading. Biologists interpret it differently: instead they mean the brain contains many lipids or fat molecules which form cell membranes and play an essential role in cell functions.

The brain weighs approximately three pounds, making it the fattiest organ in our bodies. This is due to it having numerous essential fatty acids for brain functioning that contribute lipids beyond any other part of our bodies.

Brain activity is something we take for granted. Not only does the human brain produce fat deposits, it is also extremely active. Sending messages throughout the body, it regulates our emotions, memories and learning abilities. Protecting its health is of great importance if we hope to remain human!

There are many fascinating facts about the human body. Babies are born without kneecaps, and don’t receive them until about six years old. Human eyes can perceive a rainbow of colors, and most people blink around 10 times every minute. Heartbeats reach 100,000 per day on average and require about 2,500 gallons of blood to circulate the entire body each day – the heart is one of the hardest-working muscles in your body! Additionally, each square inch of skin contains around 300 sweat glands while daily saliva production fills two swimming pools full.

2. The human heart beats outside of the body

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The heart is an amazing organ that serves the entire body, beating 100,000 times per day and pumping 8 pints of blood each minute. It brings oxygen- and nutrient-rich blood directly to tissues and organs for use, and removes deoxygenated waste products from cells back out into circulation through arteries, capillaries, and veins; collectively known as the circulatory system.

Your heart can survive up to 4 hours outside your body as long as it remains cold and fed nutrition. A lower temperature prevents it from beating as rapidly, saving energy, but once warmed back up it will resume its regular rhythm.

While we often think of the heart as being the hardest-working muscle in our bodies, lungs actually work harder. They take in oxygen while your heart pumps blood out to deliver it throughout your system – but when your lungs stop breathing, your heart stops beating.

Your heart is more than a simple pump; it is an extraordinary superpump! With enough pressure generated to squirt blood thirty feet across a room. Furthermore, it pumps one to seven gallons per minute and over its lifetime it pumps enough blood for two oil tankers! Additionally, babies have 26 bones more than adults do!

3. The human body is made up of a trillion cells

One of the greatest scientific marvels in existence is our body; from its complex atomic building blocks to the furthest corners of space. But none can match up to the sheer wonderment and magic that is the human form! From weird anatomy facts that will leave you scratching your head to beautiful anatomy secrets hidden deep within, the human form is one of nature’s true marvels and will keep you fascinated and intrigued for decades to come.

Here is some interesting stuff you may not know: From how we blink to our intestinal length. Here’s some useful facts you may have not known:

Your lifetime saliva production fills two swimming pools. Your tongue contains up to 8,000 taste buds; its prints are as unique as fingerprints; however, grass cannot be digested despite what some health enthusiasts claim it should be!

Each cell in your body is distinct. Each type serves a distinct function and has a slightly different size and shape; proteins within these cells also differ, for instance red blood cells contain haemoglobin while neurons contain different ones; different cells need specific nutrients or substances in order to perform their purpose effectively – therefore trillions of these specialized cells work together as one to keep us alive and thrive; should mutation occur within any one of these specialized cells it could lead to cancerous tumors so it is essential that regular screenings take place so we are vigilant about any changes within our bodies that could result in cancerous tumors developing.

4. The human body has 25,000 quarts of saliva

Your body does a lot for you every day – from transportation and memory-making, to keeping you alive! And while most of us may know a great deal about ourselves and their bodies, there may still be surprising facts hidden away!

Did you know that an average person produces enough saliva in their lifetime to fill two swimming pools? Additionally, did you know that your ears never stop growing and that earwax is actually a form of sweat? Furthermore, did you know that jaw muscles can generate 200 pounds of force to bring back teeth together when chewing?

Another fascinating fact is that humans possess over 600 muscles. Of those muscles, Gluteus Maximus in your hips is the largest and your snore may reach 80 decibels – similar to when breaking concrete with a pneumatic drill! And did you know your snoring can reach up to that same volume as well!

Human bodies are truly remarkable machines and there is always something new to discover about them. Next time you brush your teeth or enjoy a meal, take a moment to appreciate all the amazing ways your body works! And Caring Smiles has you covered; our experienced dentists offer top quality care to keep your smile healthy and looking its best!

5. The human body has 2.5 million sweat pores

Your body is an amazing, miraculous, and sometimes disgusting organism you rely upon daily to live life. From getting you where you need to go to holding all of your memories to performing tricks such as flipping eyelids inside out – but there’s so much more it can do than that – from keeping its internal temperature stable to producing those stomach growls we call stomach rumbles; your human body has plenty of cool facts that’ll blow your mind.

Did you know that your cornea – the transparent front part of your eye – receives oxygen directly from air? Or that babies have more bones than adults, with living tissue such as collagen helping maintain its strength? Or even that your appendix actually serves a vital purpose despite being often considered unnecessary?

These bizarre and fascinating human body facts will provide great dinner-table conversation starters. At any point in a pinch, pull this list out to show your friends just how knowledgeable about their world they truly are – you might just become the talk of the table (or at least be remembered as having provided fun trivia).

6. The human body farts enough in a day to fill a party balloon

Our bodies are remarkable marvels – miraculous in some ways and revolting in others – designed to keep us alive every day by performing extraordinary functions that often go unsaid. But did you know that you fart enough every day to fill a party balloon, that your tongue contains 8,000 taste buds, or that ear wax is actually an accumulation of sweat?

Interesting to note is how during the third trimester your uterus expands to reach orange size before contracting again due to hormones – this process helps prepare mothers for labor.

Human bodies contain enough fat to produce seven bars of soap, and fingerprints develop three months post conception in babies. There are 206 bones in our bodies; infants possess 94 more bones than adults do. If ever underwater, do not panic; our bodies contain an “diving reflex” which disables bodily functions to prevent drowning.

Fun fact: our intestines span 23 feet, which may explain why we make those “grouchy” noises when hungry. So the next time someone cracks a bad fart joke, remind them that humans pass gas 13-21 times daily and spread germs up to six feet! Additionally, grandmas who wear underpants in an attempt to prevent “fecal vomit” can often donning underwear as this prevents obstruction in their bowels which would otherwise result in “fecal vomit”.

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