Why is the Sky Blue?

When sunlight reaches Earth’s atmosphere, it bounces off of molecules. The air molecules scatter light — just like billiard balls do when they collide. The shorter the wavelength of the light, the more it gets scattered. This is why the sun’s light looks blue. Sky Blue Is Due to Rayleigh Scattering Sky blue is a…

The Moon Goddess

The Moon has long been revered as an archetype in many ancient religions. It helps us measure time, plant crops at optimal times, navigate land and sea surfaces safely. Wicca and Paganism both acknowledge the Moon Goddess as an archetype that plays an essential role. Learn more about her and how you can connect with…

The Moon and Mars Meet For the First Time This Wednesday

On Wednesday, you might just witness an extraordinary event! The moon will occult Mars for several minutes, temporarily hiding it behind itself and appearing behind its surface. As an event of such significance, an occultation of the Moon should only happen once every lifetime. You won’t need a telescope for viewing, just a clear night…