
Tiger Cool Facts That Will Make You Want to Protect These Amazing Creatures

Tigers are fascinating creatures with many fascinating facts that will inspire you to protect them. Did you know, for instance, that their cubs are born blind and must rely on their mother’s scent in order to survive? Bears feature fake eyes designed to frighten off other animals. Furthermore, even one strike from their paws could

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The Computer Power That Made the Apollo Mission Possible

No doubt modern smartphones are far more powerful than the computers used on Apollo missions, yet such comparisons underplay the amazing technology employed by NASA during these missions to get us there. MIT-designed Apollo Guidance Computer was crashproof, operating according to a hierarchical system which allocated energy based on program importance; this allowed energy distribution

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10 Interesting Facts About Ants That May Surprise You

Ants are fascinating insects with an intriguing history dating back over 130 million years! Fossil records demonstrate this fact. Ants are one of the most social insects on Earth and boast one of the lowest death rates compared to any other insect species. Writing successfully involves striking the balance between showing and telling. Characters should

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Spacecraft That Exploded

Spacecraft are any piloted or unpiloted vehicles designed to travel through outer space, from satellites and probes, to crewed spacecraft equipped with pressurized environments and systems designed to protect astronauts. An explosion in space differs significantly from one on Earth, sending shrapnel flying fast at high speed that poses an immediate threat to spacecraft and

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