7 Interesting Facts About Canada That Will Blow Your Mind

Canada, as the world’s second-largest nation, boasts some of the most unusual sights. From roadside attractions to grand hotels with quirky architectural details, here are seven shocking facts about Canada that will blow your mind! 1. Canada derives its name from an indigenous word. It comes from St Lawrence Iroquois “kanata,” meaning village or settlement….

Spacecraft That Have Landed on Mars

Spacecraft are vehicles capable of traversing space to other planets or satellites, as well as for other uses, such as communications. NASA’s Perseverance lander will attempt a landing at Elysium Planitia on Mars’ most challenging region: Elysium Planitia features sand dunes, steep cliffs and boulders – an intimidating destination. 1. Viking 1 NASA scientists in…

10 Amazing Facts About the Human Body That Will Blow Your Mind!

Scientists find many things fascinating – from atoms and outer space to the human body itself. Yet none are more astonishing than our bodies themselves. Did you know that, on average, you blink approximately 20 times per minute? Or that it takes more muscles to frown than smile? Or that earwax is actually a form…

Tiger Cool Facts That Will Make You Want to Protect These Amazing Creatures

Tigers are fascinating creatures with many fascinating facts that will inspire you to protect them. Did you know, for instance, that their cubs are born blind and must rely on their mother’s scent in order to survive? Bears feature fake eyes designed to frighten off other animals. Furthermore, even one strike from their paws could…

The Computer Power That Made the Apollo Mission Possible

No doubt modern smartphones are far more powerful than the computers used on Apollo missions, yet such comparisons underplay the amazing technology employed by NASA during these missions to get us there. MIT-designed Apollo Guidance Computer was crashproof, operating according to a hierarchical system which allocated energy based on program importance; this allowed energy distribution…