Saturn’s Rings Disappear From View For a Brief Period Every 29.5 Years

Saturn’s beautiful rings disappear for brief periods every 29.5 years due to the planet’s axial tilt. Saturn’s inner rings are rapidly dissolving at an alarmingly rapid rate, so much so that an Olympic-sized pool rains down on its upper atmosphere every 30 minutes. Astronomers have noted this trend since the 1980s; unfortunately it’s causing the…

What Happened to the Earth in Saturn’s Early Days?

Saturn boasts several large and small moons, the largest being Titan, which is slightly bigger than Mercury and offers researchers insights into Earth’s early formation. Astronomers have known since the 1980s that Saturn’s iconic rings are gradually dissolving, though no exact timeline or rate were available to them. The Rings Astronomers have long noted the…

When Will Saturn’s Rings Disappear?

Saturn’s rings have long held a special place in our imaginations, but our view may soon become restricted by atmospheric obstructions. NASA’s Cassini probe has unveiled surprising evidence indicating that Saturn’s rings may not have endured nearly as long as previously thought. The Age of the Rings Astronomers have long speculated on how Saturn’s rings…

Cassini’s Final Orbits of Saturn’s Solar System

The probe’s instruments would investigate Saturn’s temperature field, clouds and composition as well as Titan’s thick haze using radar technology and sampling its rings system. Cassini revolutionized our understanding of Saturn. Her discoveries revolutionized how we perceive this system. Although her mission ended abruptly when she fell into Saturn’s atmosphere in 2017, but not before…