Watch the Apollo 11 Mission Live on Satellites

By artfully manipulating archiveal footage, Apollo 11 manages to be captivating without becoming overly sentimental. This film offers a far superior account of this monumental event than last year’s visually captivating but emotionally superficial First Man. It humanizes this staggering success that may be deeply embedded into American culture but which transcends it and brings…

Spacecraft Explosion – A Harrowing Experience For Astronauts and Dangerous to Satellites

An explosion on board a spaceship can be terrifying for astronauts and potentially hazardous to satellites nearby. America watched in horror in January 1986 as the space shuttle Challenger exploded during liftoff, killing seven astronauts including Christa McAuliffe of NASA’s Teacher in Space program. A suitcase-sized piece of insulating foam fell from an external tank…

Spacecraft Orbiting Earth

Manmade objects orbiting Earth are vast, from those used to observe our planet itself to others that study Mars, asteroids or even distant stars. Satellites remain in orbit by using fuel to balance their tendency toward flight into space with Earth’s gravitational pull and maintain their velocity in orbit. Satellites From a distance, satellites resemble…

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How Space Exploration Benefits Society

Space exploration has many benefits to society, including improving technology, creating jobs, and advancing medical science. However, space exploration is also expensive, risks the lives of astronauts, and creates pollution and space debris. Some people may wonder whether space exploration is worth the risks and costs. But these people need to be aware that the…

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Solar Power Space Travel – find more about this

Solar power is a vital source of energy for spacecraft. Without electricity, they won’t be able to take pictures, collect information and send back data to Earth. It could also be a way to get reliable, clean energy to people living in remote areas, rather than relying on fossil fuels that are finite and can…

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Satellite for Weather Forecast

Weather satellites provide meteorologists with the data they need to make accurate, life-saving forecasts. These satellites continuously orbit above us, providing atmospheric observations that are ingested into numerical weather prediction (NWP) computer models. Environmental satellites also have imaging capabilities that allow meteorologists to watch storms develop from space, enabling them to identify volcanic ash and…

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Weather Satellites (Bahamas)

Weather satellites take a picture of the entire world every 5 to 15 minutes. The pictures are animated so you can see changes in cloud cover and wind speeds as they happen. Hurricane Dorian hit the Bahamas on Sunday and left behind devastation that lasted for days. That’s why satellite images, especially synthetic aperture radar…