Sixty-Four Years After Apollo 11 landed Armstrong, Aldrin, and Collins on the Moon

34 years ago, a Saturn V rocket launched from Cape Kennedy with Armstrong, Aldrin, and Collins aboard. Millions of viewers across the world watched live as Armstrong, Aldrin, and Collins successfully reached and landed on the moon. President Kennedy had spent weeks carefully considering America’s space options after Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin made headlines by…

What is a Blood Moon?

The Moon is currently passing through Earth’s shadow, known as its umbra. While direct sunlight may be blocked out by this phenomenon, our atmosphere scatters red light that produces an amber-hued hue on its surface that gives off a coppery-red tinge to give a coppery-red radiance for our nearest neighboring body of water. This will…

Apollo 11 Launches and Lands on the Moon

Armstrong and Aldrin used the two-hour moon walk to deploy Early Apollo Scientific Experiment Package instruments as well as collect rock and soil samples. Armstrong realized as they approached landing, the automatic landing system was leading them towards a rocky crater and ordered mission controllers to authorize a risky manual maneuver to address it. Apollo…

The Truth About the Apollo Missions to the Moon Facts

Conspiracy theorists claim that Apollo missions were faked as an effort to undermine USSR dominance in space exploration, increase Nasa funding or simply divert attention away from Vietnam War issues. Their arguments typically rely on discrepancies within photographs or videos from these missions as evidence for this assertion. Apollo 11 On July 21st 1969, Apollo…