Grow a Frog Kit

Grow a Frog: With this kit, you can witness an unforgettable life-cycle metamorphosis right before your very eyes! From jelly-like eggs to wriggling tadpoles and ultimately into an independent creature with arms and legs. Watch as its long tail disappears while its horny teeth fade away and its lungs develop. Feeding Frogs require regular food…

The Lifespan of a Frog

Frogs are long-living amphibians that prefer moist environments. Certain species, like the green tree frog, can live for 15 years when kept captive. Within days, frog eggs emerge into tadpoles which feed on algae and plants as food sources. After some weeks, the tadpole develops hind legs and its tail disappears; additionally, it begins eating…

Frog Life Cycle For Kids

Encourage children to act out the various stages in a frog’s life cycle. They can draw their own diagram, or use this printable life cycle worksheet with pictures as reference for cutting out. Students can click and drag vocabulary words for kids’ frog life cycle vocabulary into the appropriate boxes, facilitating language acquisition especially among…