The Life Cycle of a Plant

Plants go through an evolutionary cycle known as their life cycle that ensures their survival. Germination is the first step of plant cultivation. This occurs when a seed breaks through its outer shell and begins to grow roots and leaves that allow sunlight to enter its cells and feed itself through photosynthesis, providing sustenance. Seed…

The Basics of the Plant Cycle of Life

Plants come in all shapes and sizes, but all follow a similar lifecycle. In this article, we’ll cover its basics starting with seeds. An ideal environment for seed germination includes oxygen, water, sunlight and the proper temperature. Once these factors come together, germination occurs. Seed Seeds are packages containing embryos (baby plants) and food reserves…

The Seeds – An Overview of the Plants Life Cycle

Plants possess an extraordinary capacity to disseminate their seeds across long distances using water, wind or animals as vehicles for this process. When the seeds reach an area with appropriate conditions for them to germinate they will take root and form new stems and roots. At this stage, plants utilize sunlight, carbon dioxide and water…

The Flower Life Cycle

Every flowering plant begins as a tiny seed. Through sunlight, water, and soil conditions, this seedling germinates into an attractive sprout or seedling with stems and roots to absorb nutrients while leaves capture sunlight for photosynthesis and create food by photosynthesis. Flowers contain male sexual parts (anthers) and female sexual parts (pistils). Pollen from the…

The Life Cycle of a Plant

A plant’s life cycle refers to the series of steps it undergoes in order to reproduce and grow, similar to what occurs with bryophytes, fungi and algae. Most plants begin as seeds that sprout into seedlings before eventually reaching maturity and producing flowers and fruits. Seed Seeds are miniature plants with roots, stems, and leaves…