The Life Cycle of a Flower

Students can explore the life cycle of flowers through colorful photographs, charts and diagrams to showcase this topic. Flowers produce nectar to attract insects and animals that serve as pollinators to ensure reproduction; by moving from flower to flower sipping nectar they transfer pollen between plants. Seed Seeds are the starting point of every flowering…

Butterflies Life Cycle Facts

Butterflies are beloved creatures to many people, yet they play an invaluable role in ecosystems they inhabit. Serving as plant pollinators and natural pest control methods that reduce toxicity levels in environments, butterflies play an integral part in keeping biodiversity alive. Butterfly populations serve as indicators for environmental health in their local environments and are…

The Plant Cycle Life

Pollination is a process through which plants distribute seeds that become embedded in flowers and fruit that ultimately produce new seeds, completing the cycle for that particular plant’s lifecycle. Once a seed finds an environment suitable for its development, it begins to sprout and develop into what is known as a seedling – a young…

The Life Cycle of the Butterfly

Students can gain valuable lessons about biology, metamorphosis and sustainability by exploring the lifecycle of butterflies. After an egg hatches, its contents transform into larvae or moths which feed upon food sources while growing and molting multiple times through apolysis (shedding its skin multiple times). As it develops into a butterfly, a caterpillar forms a…

The Butterfly Life Cycle

Start teaching your students about the majestic butterfly lifecycle by sharing books like Madison and Hawkes’ Velma Gratch and the Way Cool Butterfly or The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Once a caterpillar has shed its skin four times, it enters its third stage: larva or pupal stage. Here it finds shelter and builds its protective covering…

A Poem on the Water Cycle

The water cycle is an eternally ongoing cycle that connects all the water on Earth through evaporation, condensation and precipitation processes that play an integral part of daily life. Water is an invaluable resource, accounting for 60-75% of our bodyweight and necessary for our survival over three days without it. Furthermore, it helps regulate climate…

A Closer Look at the Butterfly’s Life Cycle

At its final stage, a caterpillar searches out a safe place and constructs an encasing called a chrysalis. Though this structure seems motionless at first glance, incredible processes are underway inside. Special butterfly cells transform into the wings, legs and eyes of adult butterflies in this demanding process, which may take between 1-14 months depending…